Network Security
Of recent I have been taking extra measures to secure the network. I have found that using a central script that can be updated is just one of the best ways to cover exploits. You can make an include in your regular scripts to call the centralized code before your script starts executing commands, this way checks are made first. Of course logging events is critical. Some other things to consider:
1. Do not allow the user to see PHP or MySQL error messages. You can change that setting in the php.ini file.
2. Ensure that you learn how interactive scripts work and their vulnerabilities.
3. Stay up to date with your script's patches. If you are using a script published by someone else then check regularly to see if any security issues have come up.
3. Measure and review activity. Are attacks or spammers coming from a certain place, a certain country?
The best way to think is... If I wanted to escape this, by pass that, then what I do? Once you answer that then you will know where you need to secure.