Checking And Re-checking

Checking Re-checking - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 11th Sep, 2009 - 5:14pm

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Running a host
11th Sep, 2009 - 5:14pm / Post ID: #

Checking And Re-checking

Checking and Re-Checking

Running a host is more difficult than running a busy site. I say this because updates cause you to rethink the way people use your website. Recently, I was having problems with some code on certain interactive sites. After about a day and a half of checking it came down to an automated script that updated itself and in turn disabled another script that became incompatible because of the update. One big solution for this is to check and re-check your logs often regardless to whether the information you get there seems repetitive. Sometimes one line of errors out of a thousand lines of errors may give the solution to a big problem or future problem. Another thing to do is regular visit your sites. You will be surprised to find that the latest update on a server has disabled the functionality on a site, and I'm not only talking about scripted sites, but static ones too!

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