Greetings everyone in these forums,
I imagine on your forums here, I will be a troll. I imagine most here have more knowledge and wisdom than I do, and I am always looking to listen to knowledgable people.
In person, I am a bit timid, due to some health issues, except when the topic turns to things I enjoy and can contribute. Those topics are computer related things (I started playing (not working) with computers in 1972. I first was "on the internet" in 1974, and I got the "genealogy bug" from my grandmother.
On a crazy whim I moved to Pamplona, Spain for eight years. I learned English by the "sink or swim" method, which was more dangerous than running with the bulls! I had some health issues last year so moved back to the U.S. Specifically Utah.
Part of my sink or swim experience was being shunned by the Church during my eight years in Pamplona. Now I spend my time, starting life again here and LOVING the Family History Library where I can use my Spanish skills to help others while finding my German ancestors.
Welcome LDS Member
Thanks for posting your introduction message, this INTERNATIONAL Forum allows you to interact positively with many people on varying topics such as LDS Church news, Doctrine, the Book of Mormon, etc. However, do keep in mind that LDS Related Discussion is kept only in the LDS Related Boards as this is an International Community.
Be sure to read: The Art of Discussion as some tend to become offended or argumentative, this may not be you, but just in case.
The next thing you should do now is update your profile. You can do this by clicking the link called, 'My Controls' in the top menu. You may wish to venture over to the LDS Deep Doctrine board or the News & RM Section and have a look around.
If you like LDS Based Games then you may also be interested in playing: Nephi RPG where you can 'Journey to the Promised Land' or Book of Mormon Battles and see if you really know a lot about the Book of Mormon.
Here are some quick links for you to look over when you have time:
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