Name: Fisher
Comments: There has been talk for centuries of all the badness going to end. When you ask the future tellers they tell you its just around the corner. Give us a date when it will actually happen or stay quiet. Better yet, just stay quiet because you don't know the date. Keeping people hoping for something beyond that they don't know themselves is playing with people's hope. Mean time I see a lot of suffering going on and no end to it.
I can understand that looking at the events of the world today can be quite discouraging.
Even so the Bible encourages us.
Wasn't that said to the people back then like 2000 years ago? Doesn't seem so near to me 2000 years later.
Jesus gave us a composite sign of events that would occur in what the bible calls the last days, or end times. What are the events that Jesus prophesied, and are they occurring in our day, marking it as the "last days"
Those things have been happening for years, they've been happening before Jesus and they've been happening after. If you read history you'll see that.
Jesus himself said even though seeing the signs occurring around them many would display an apathetic attitude, to their own detriment. (Matthew 24:37-39) And the apostle Peter acknowledges the same
Name: Natalie
Comments: Didn't the golden age or the second coming happen in 1914 for you guys and actually it didn't happen because nothing happened?
Natalie, hopefully this answers your two part question.
1)The golden age, or what Christians call the millennium rule of Christ happens after Armageddon.
2) 1914 was the start of what the Bible calls the end of days / last days/ Woe for the earth.
World War 1 started in 1914 and the world has not seen peace since, for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against kingdom. This is just one part of the composite sign Jesus said would mark the time of the end, which we currently find ourselves living in.(Mathew 24:3-14; 2Timothy 3:1-5)
Those sincerely interested can do a search for this article "1914-A Significant Year in Bible Prophecy"