Autistic Child Slapped By Teacher
Dealing with special needs children can be highly stressful. Personally I think there needs to be several teachers or a rotation of teachers to deal with such children. What are your thoughts about what may cause a teacher to reach the stage of slapping an Autistic Student?
Many things can cause a person to "lose it" when they are either teaching or taking care of an autistic child. In this case, the child is non-verbal so I cannot really talk about this particular case but taking care of an autistic child is highly stressful because you have to constantly check their every move, they don't follow instructions, they're hyperverbal in some cases, etc etc etc the list is huge.
Nevertheless, it is in NO WAY an excuse for the abuse this woman put this child through. She should be fired and arrested for child abuse.
School administrators should choose carefully the teachers who will be helping special needs children. The teachers should be more patient, caring, and understanding. They should have a drive to help others and should have their heart in what they are doing.