Did you ever notice that these activities all happen over the weekend, when most of the world is out at ballgames, the beach, the park, visiting family, on holiday, etc.? It's almost as if the "Powers that Be" are trying to slip it under the door in secret. I'm still shocked that this huge organization is failing, that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken over by the government, AG Edwards sold itself to Wachovia a few months ago, and also this weekend, Merrill Lynch sold itself to Bank of America. My head is spinning! I have a lot of clients with big investments... which bank/investment firm is failing next? How long can it all be kept together? The US economy is like a big house of cards, and it's falling from the top down.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
Bailing out Bear Stearns was a mistake. I think they were "hoping" that was it, but it was really the tip of the iceberg we see now. What I dont like is reading that even after Bear Stearns, Lehman in its final months granted more bad loans than anyone else in the business. Basically, with the scrutiny that they had to know was forthcoming, they went ahead and generated more bad paper. There has to be some head that roll for this one...like Enron and the S&L Crisis...someone has to be held up as our example of what not to do.
I would love to know how BoA and Wachovia can afford to buy that bad debt. I havent looked at the deals in depth, but unless they are buying them for the worth of only the good loans, how can they handle the loss? Are they really in that good of financial shape?
Now get a load of the head of Lehman Bros...
Dick Fuld, who threatened to break the legs of any partner caught shorting Lehman stock - gambling on the value of shares falling |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
It is like a dominos affect. They keep saying there isn't a problem and it is going to get better and it hasn't. They are just try to prop up our economy with consumer confidence. Some of the top banking systems are finished.
Hopefully things will start to look better next year. I believe that this year is just a bad looking forecast |
Oh Friday afternoon just before close of business is a perfect time to drop these bombs. It is also the perfect time to quit your job! I did it that way. Dropped by the office at about 430pm and quit. I gave my 2 weeks notice and since the company normally didnt take 2 weeks notice, I thought I would either be back on Monday with a 2 weeks notice or I would just leave that day and never be back.
Kinda the same for these companies!
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%