Man on the Moon? Yeah Right! - Page 8 of 13

I believe that we landed on the moon, but - Page 8 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 18th Nov, 2008 - 1:18am

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Did man really land on the moon?
Man on the Moon? Yeah Right! Related Information to Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
Post Date: 11th Jun, 2005 - 11:01am / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right! - Page 8

I am very surprised by many of the posts on this forum.

There are people arguing that there were no moon landings from the scantest knowledge, and without seeming to be willing to do basic research.

To argue that man never went to the moon because we never went back when in fact we did go back several times is quite an amazing trick.

Several posters have mentioned the badastronomy website which has a section refuting the 'evidence'. No-one seems to have visited that website and returned to comment on it - either for or against the argument.

Anyway, firstly I would like to discuss the following observations made in the first post in this forum:

Is the supposed light hitting the moon lander and astronaut on the
dark side of the moon?

Or wind blowing the US flag - wind on the moon?

Nobody landed on the "dark side of the moon". In any case, the dark side of the moon isn't actually dark. It is called that because we cannot see it from Earth due to the way it orbits the Earth. All of the moon has a day and night cycle like Earth and is lit by the sun.

There is no wind on the moon. (Solar wind is so insignificant as to be immaterial.) The flags are standing out from the flag pole because they are supported by a rod at right angles to the pole. The flag hangs in the same way that a curtain hangs from a curtain rod. In some film footage, the flag appears to ripple as if in a breeze. Whenever this happens, an astronaut is moving the flag pole. The movement of the astronaut is transferred to the flag, just like when you wave a flag at a parade. The flag ripples, but you are doing it, not the wind.

Other posters mention:

You cannot see stars in the sky on the films or in photos.
It's about 11.30am here in London. I just looked out the window and I cannot see stars in the sky. Why not? Because the sun, which is an incredibly bright object in the sky is flooding the sky with light and 'washing out' the much fainter light from the stars. At dusk, when the sun is setting, I can often see stars coming out in the area of sky opposite the sun (ie in the East) where the setting sun is no longer powerful enough to wash them out. The fact that we have an atmosphere and the sky is blue is irrelevant. When we have an eclipse of the sun on Earth, we can see stars in the sky for the short time the sun is eclipsed. On the moon, the sun is just a bright as it is here on Earth and, in the same way, washes out the light from the stars. (Or we can believe that we should see stars but NASA SFx guys were too stupid to put them in.) (By the way, the sky on the moon is black because there is no atmosphere to scatter the sunlight - not because it is night-time.)

An astronaut standing in the shadow of the LEM can still be seen even though there is only one light source which is the sun. If he's in direct shadow, we shoud not be able to see him.
I have a friend who lives in the country. On a clear night I can usually see him as we walk home from the pub even though there are no street lights and the sun is around the other side of the world. How? Moonlight! Sunlight is reflected off the surface of the moon and lights our way home. Is there moonlight on the moon? Moonlight is sunlight reflected from the moons surface. When you're standing on the moon, the surface is pretty big and very close. There is a lot of moonlight. The surface is also made up of highly reflective moon dust, which is why the moon is so bright when seen from Earth. The sunlight is reflected from the astronauts surroundings and illuminates him. Even though he is standing in direct shadow, there is plenty of indirect light. (As if this is not enough, there is another source of light - Earthlight. Just as we receive reflected light from the moon, the moon receives reflected light from the Earth. And don't forget, the Earth is a lot bigger than the moon.

OK -I think I've gone on long enough. Please do some quality research before making extravagant claims (either for against any argument). There are several good, scientific websites on this topic. Bad Astronomy -Moon Hoax is one of the better ones and specifically examines the claims of the Fox documentary mentioned by one of the posters here.

One poster says -
so it seems no one on this forum is sure of the whole man on the moon thing which is very understandable

Well, I can say that, as someone who saw the moon landings on TV and has actually done some research, I am sure of the whole man on the moon thing. The Americans went, mainly to prove a point, and when it became politically unnecessary and difficult to justify the expense, stopped going.

Again, please look at some decent websites, but if you still want me to discuss any specific points or arguments, I will.

I think that we should be looking at an even bigger hoax.

Did Columbus really go to America? If so, why did he never go back? There are no convincing photos or film of his journey or arrival, and he was backed by a national organisation with much to gain by claiming to be first. Even Columbus says he didn't go - he thought he was in Asia. Perhaps he was! And why is it called America and not Columbia if he discovered it? I won't believe it till I go there and see for myself. biggrin.gif

Reconcile Edited: mikejonesuk on 11th Jun, 2005 - 11:15am

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11th Jun, 2005 - 11:14am / Post ID: #

Right Yeah Moon the Man

Mike, do not be surprised, there are many topics like this that are constantly debated. I do have a question... if everything is so sure why are there scientists and others who actually worked in NASA at the time that claim it is a hoax? What would they have to gain from that? If anything they would become laughable and loose their jobs or honor.

Just a note... the nonconstructive remarks made in the beginning of this thread were removed. That came from our early days before the 'Intellectually Constructive' era within the Community.

Post Date: 11th Jun, 2005 - 8:04pm / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right! UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Offtopic but,
JB - when I said that I was surprised by many of the posts in this forum. I didn't mean that I was surprised people were debating this subject. It's an interesting subject. What surprised me was the way people were making definitive statements without knowledge or any acceptance that they had no knowledge or any indication they wanted to look for that knowledge.

I think it's OK to say "I don't know much about it. Can you tell me?" but not "I don't know much about it, but I have made my mind up."

Having said that, my knowledge was a little suspect too. undecided.gif

In my previous post, I said that the sun is so bright that it "washes out" the faint light of the stars. That isn't strictly true. After all, if it were, astronauts wouldn't see stars from their spacecraft, which they do (as far as I'm aware.)

It is possible to see stars from the moon's surface, albeit faintly.

The cameras used by the Apollo astronauts were set to a fast exposure time to cope with the brightly lit objects against a dark background (ie the black sky). Consequently, the stars, which are faint objects, do not have time to register on the film.

Sorry, right idea - bad reasoning. But I checked it out on badastronomy .com. For more details, you check it out too.

Bad Astronomy - Moon Hoax

Reconcile Edited: mikejonesuk on 11th Jun, 2005 - 8:22pm

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2005 - 3:57pm / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Page 8 Right Yeah Moon the Man

Alright. This is pretty farout. How about asking Glenn Armstrong? Did the people on the challenger mission die in support of a hoax? Did you know that the pole holding the flag is actually L shaped to hold it out unfurled? Do we spend billions of dollars on NASA salaries for nothing? How about the Mars rovers? Are they a Hoax too? What about the recent private space flight competition? Think about it......

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2005 - 6:04pm / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Right Yeah Moon the Man

I think you mean Neil Armstrong. the first man to walk on the moon. But I get your point.

According to some Moon Hoax theorists the Challenger crew were murdered because one of them was going to tell the press the "truth". Similarly, the Apollo 1 tragedy in which three astronauts burned to death on the launch pad is supposed have been a deliberate act to kill astronaut Gus Grissom who, it is claimed, was about to blow the whistle.

Post Date: 23rd Dec, 2006 - 11:55pm / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!

Between the US and the Soviet Union there were 65 moon landings. I can't imagine why these would be faked. As for the technology not existing, the essential technology was all there. Guidance computers, air filters, rockets, thrusters, shaped charges all very much in existence back then. The modern day space program uses the same technology, simply smaller, better, faster versions of what it had in 1969. Most of the difficulty was getting out of Earth's gravity and keeping a crew alive for three weeks.
If it all was a giant hoax, why the big manned rockets shooting into space? Did they just go over the horizon, eject, and make their way to the studio?

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Post Date: 1st Sep, 2008 - 2:18pm / Post ID: #

Man the Moon Yeah Right! - Page 8

Name: Darko

Comments: Ok...I'll start with the easiest...

- None has ever landed on the moon,and they wont land soon either
- We still cant see with telescopes cristaly on the moon
- Japan sent a shuttle(no crew inside)around the moon
- There is such a big amount of radiation around the Earth that it will pop even through the space shuttle.
- There is no wind on the moon,and the flag on the moon is waving
- Check the videos from the moon and you'll all see that the shadows on the moon are not even close to parallel
- The photos taken on the moon when Apollo landed are all perfectly shot, and they had their cameras on their suits on the stomach area, which is hard to see the focus of the picture when ur trying to get it
- there isn't any crater under the shuttle that is on the moon that was made by landing (Strange isn't it?)u need blast crater for lunar lander that uses burning fuel.
- there isn't even dust on the foot pads of the lander that had to be made by the blast or the landing on the moon
- there is walking on the moon in the first day and the next day they show the astronauts two and a half miles further, but the landscape is not even close to identical,its so the same.
- The landing site is the same like the Arizona desert that even the astronauts on the landing video say: "It's so like the deserts in the United States!"
- The gravity on the Moon is six times or something then the Earth's.The astronauts move just twice slower,and the hight they jump is the same like someone would jump on Earth.

Just take the video u have it on you tube and u can check all of this.Its so simple and it's THE BIGGEST HOAX ever, made just to win the cold war with Russia coz that was the time of the legendary Space Race.

Thanks To All That Understand This

Post Date: 18th Nov, 2008 - 1:18am / Post ID: #

Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!
A Friend

Man the Moon Yeah Right! Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 8

I believe that we landed on the moon, but the footage we got was a hollywood Hoax to feed the masses. There is something on the moon that is of great interest to the world governments and us poppers are on a need to know basis.

I believe that the encounters mentioned before on this thread are accurate.

> TOPIC: Man on the Moon? Yeah Right!


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