![Prepared for Death Prepared for Death](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
I don't fear death. In one aspect, it is a new birth as we are going on to hopefully a better life. The only bad part about death is the separation of loved ones. I wouldn't want to die now and leave my wife to go on without me for the next 40 years, or my kids to not see me for the next 70 years. Additionally, I don't think I'm spiritually ready. If this life is a test to see what kind of people we can become, I'm not done with the test, I have more improving to do and I have to go back and erase some of the answers I've given on the test up till now.
I assume the older you get, the more you are willing to accept death. If you're 90 years old and most the people you knew as a young person are already gone, you might be looking forward to dying. Buit if you're 17, you have big dreams and aspirations and death would be a tragedy.
My father passed away four years ago at the age of 76. I don't think he was ready. His parents both lived into their late 90's and I think he assumed he would too. He certainly did not want to go and fought death off for a while. A day or so before he passed away, he learned something that he tried to share with us. For a while, it appeared he was already halfway gone. He was seeing and speaking to relatives on both sides. He saw his parents, my brother who died in infancy and others. He knew it was time to join them but he kept holding back because of all the close family he was leaving. Somehow, it was communicated to him that time passes differently on the other side of the veil or death. Even though he was leaving us, perhaps for 40 or 50 years by our way of reckoning, it would seem to him as only an instant and we would all be together again.
I don't fully understand this but I guess we all will understand much more some day.
I'm afraid of Death , so I hope it would be Quick and painless... I'm 14 so all I should be doing is making sure my health is okay... I drink milk, no Arthritis, I wear sunscreen, no Skin Cancer, I keep healthy, so I can live long. I exercise, so I dont grow fat. I make money, so I can afford good health care. I should'nt be afraid of Death but I am... It's a scary thing but I don't have to worry about it for about 56 years...
Jesse Hamshaw
Let's hope so OriginofChao, but one must always keep in mind that death is not on a time schedule, and can strike at any time. This does not mean that we should fear it, but it also means we should not assume that death will come at a certain time in our lives. If we live a good life, then we have no reason to worry about when we will die. All we need to worry about is living life to the fullest.
I would have to say I am not ready for death. I'm not saying that I'm afraid to die because I think I'm not worthy of heaven. The reason is because I want to see the future now more than ever. I got married only 2 and a half years ago and I want to spend decades and decades with my husband. My future has never looked so good, I have a great job and a wonderful husband. I don't want to think of death or dieing, I love my life too much.
that's cool.
yes death certainly has its disadvantages about leaving people behind, but i personally could care less if God took me away to be with Him today or tomorrow or whenever the timing could be. i don't have anything to fear because i already know where i'm going to end up. though i do see the point of wanting to live out your life...especially us younger adults. like, i wouldn't mind to live on and actually move out and get a real job, rather than just summer jobs, and i'd love to eventually get married. but like malexander said, death isn't on a schedule. it'll strike whenever it wants to...just hope you're ready for it.
I'm ready to die. I'm waiting for it, I just hope that when it does come it isn't terribly fast. I think it would be fascinating to die slowly, feeling your consciousness slip, feeling your spirit leave your body, I imagine that it would be a really amazing experience.
Ramsus I guess you are assuming that the death is painless (usually based on age), but consider others who may have a sickness or incurable ailment like cancer where death is inevitable and yet the fury of radiotherapy and pain is also an experience of eternity.
Oh I don't assume it's painless. But you are right, when I say I want it to be drawn out I'm talking about it lasting minutes, not weeks, months or years.
You're right, for someone with cancer or other incurable disease, that wouldn't be fun at all. But even in spite of the pain, I'm sure it would be interesting.