I don't really care to have a super power but Star Trek technology would be great. Â I'd love to be able to transport from work to home in a manner of seconds. Â And a replicator to cook for me. Â Life would be too good. |
if i could have super power i would have like the power to read people's mind just to know what they are thinking. or i would like the ability to be able to teleport to wherever i want to go and into whatever i want to be. because i'm weird and i think that saving on gas and tricking people would be loads of fun.
Knowledge and the ability to think and understand extremely complex subjects. I have a book, Brain Wave by Poul Anderson. In it something happens that all life on earth makes a quantum leap in the ability to think. Horses, cows, etc have the ability to think almost at human level. Dogs can reason out sophisticated ideas. And humans are incredible.
I would like that ability for myself. Of course, without wisdom, it would be horrible.
I realize that my power wouldn't make me a canidate for super hero, or for super villiam for that matter. Unless of course is was in a joking manner. (Look at Aqua Man)
I'd like to be able to converse with nature. By nature I mean not only animals but with the trees and the earth, and even the air; I'd like to hear what stories ancient rivers have to say. I'd like to know what my pet truly thinks. . . .
I know!
The super power I'd have will be making diffusion occur in things other than substances. (wow, that's confusing...)
For example, textbooks. Sleeping with a textbook under your pillow and the information just flowing out of the text book to your head, and when you wake up in the morning, you're ready for the test!
Of course, that would be bad if your textbook has less information than your brain, and it will flow out of your brain.
Or grades. If somene has an A+ and me a B+, it can just even out and we'd both have As. Won't that be cool?