Genes That Cause Autism

Genes Autism - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 24th Aug, 2017 - 6:37pm

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Does it come from the father or the mother?
23rd Sep, 2009 - 5:00pm / Post ID: #

Genes That Cause Autism

Genes That Cause Autism

This is something LDS_forever sent my way hinting something maybe? wink.gif

international QUOTE
A battle for supremacy between a mother's and father's genes in a developing foetus could explain a spectrum of mental disorders from autism to schizophrenia according to a radical new theory by LSE sociologist Christopher Badcock.

In his new book /The Imprinted Brain: How Genes Set the Balance Between Autism and Psychosis/, Badcock sets out the hypothesis that a 'win' for the father's genes pushes the developing brain towards the autism spectrum and a 'win' for the mother's pushes it in the direction of psychosis.

Although a child inherits half its DNA from each parent, in normal development a phenomenon called 'genetic imprinting' means that some crucial genes are only expressed if they come from one parent rather than the other. However, if both parent's copies of the gene are either expressed or - conversely - imprinted or silenced this can result in various disorders. These can be seen as beneficial to the parent whose genes 'win'.

Dr Badcock said: 'Because imprinting is common among genes that drive brain development, it seems to be a reasonable conclusion that this genetic tug-of-war should also affect behaviour, cognition and personality. Autistic children, for example, are notably self-orientated and demanding on their care-givers - usually the mother. So autism may be the result of paternally-biased expression of genes involved with brain development.' Source 4

A study of 31 siblings of autistic children, 32 siblings of children with developmental delay, and 32 controls. It found that the siblings of autistic children, as a group, "showed superior spatial and verbal span, but a greater than expected number performed poorly on the set-shifting, planning, and verbal fluency tasks."

A study in 2007 looked at a database containing pedigrees of 86 families with two or more autistic children and found that 42 of the third-born male children showed autistic symptoms, suggesting that parents had a 50% chance of passing on a mutation to their offspring. The mathematical models suggest that about 50% of autistic cases are caused by spontaneous mutations. The simplest model was to divide parents into two risk classes depending on whether the parent carries a pre-existing mutation that causes autism; it suggested that about a quarter of autistic children have inherited a copy number variation Source 9 from their parents. Source 9

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23rd Sep, 2009 - 6:30pm / Post ID: #

Autism That Genes

Not trying to hint anything JB wink.gif. Actually, that's just one of the many theories. There is this family in Utah who has 6 autistic kids and they know it comes from the mother because the oldest one is from a previous relationship. Although most studies point to the father, it could be the mother, the father or a rare mutation of both. There is also a blood test that can be performed called Fragile X syndrome to know whether a person is a carrier or not. In most cases, the women are the carriers.

Post Date: 23rd Mar, 2016 - 10:22am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Genes That Cause Autism Health & Special Psychology

Autism genes are in all of us, new research reveals

New light has been shed on the genetic relationship between autistic spectrum disorders and ASD-related traits in the wider population. Autism spectrum disorders are a class of neurodevelopmental conditions affecting about 1 in 100 children. They are characteriszd by social interaction difficulties, communication and language impairments, as well as stereotyped and repetitive behavior. Ref. Source 3t.

Post Date: 23rd Apr, 2016 - 10:51am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Autism That Genes

New neurodevelopmental syndrome identified

A new neurodevelopmental syndrome and the genetic mutation that causes it has been identified by a team of researchers. The discovery was made by performing whole-exome sequencing of patients with an undiagnosed neurodevelopmental disorder to identify excess spontaneous, or non-inherited, mutations. Ref. Source 8o.

Post Date: 14th Dec, 2016 - 11:37am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Autism That Genes

Mutations in life's 'essential genes' tied to autism

Genes known to be essential to life—the ones humans need to survive and thrive in the womb—also play a critical role in the development of autism spectrum disorder, suggests a new study Ref. Source 9k.

Post Date: 25th Jun, 2017 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Genes That Cause Autism

New statistical method finds shared ancestral gene variants involved in autism's cause. Researchers believe that theirs is the first rigorous statistical evidence that ancient variations in the human genome contribute to autism -- each, most likely, having a very small effect. The method investigatorss used in the new study was family-based and compared 'discordant sibilings,' one with and one without autism to a separate collection of affected individuals. The sample included over 16,000 people from nearly 4000 families. Source 3g.

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Post Date: 24th Aug, 2017 - 5:18pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Genes That Autism

Altered mitochondria associated with increased autism risk. Mitochondria, the tiny structures inside our cells that generate energy, may play a key role in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). A provocative new study suggests that variations in mitochondrial DNA originating during ancient human migrations may play an important role in predisposition to ASD. Source 4v.

Post Date: 24th Aug, 2017 - 6:37pm / Post ID: #

Genes That Cause Autism
A Friend

Genes That Autism Psychology Special & Health

I am sure that they are trying to make it seem like this has occurred since humans first walked but I think that a lot of the ASD is occurring because of the chemicals in food preservation methods. I have a feeling that this is causing some issues with humans DNA and that whether it is from the mother or the father side is a root cause.

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