Another indoctrination video
After watching Hollywood and the fringe media bow down and worship "The One," is it any wonder that THIS happens at our schools? A teacher is practicing a song with kids in the school and it's all about singing praise to Obama -- complete with the line "all are equal in his sight." The only question left is -- did they capitalize the H in 'his' on their script? And why is it suddenly ok to use 'Hussein' again? Glenn plays some clips and reacts. Ref. Source 4
Name: Yeniseri
Comments: It is no big deal!
Obama was not born in a manger, nor did Three Wise Men anoint him, appoint him, nor was he born of a virgin birth, nor did a Bright Star appear over his humble abode or any such spectacle. Obama is as American as George Bush, Senior, Clinton or any other American president.
I would wager that Limbaugh and Glen Beck have more advertising revenue and popular appeal than Obama keeping in mind that since America is a representative democracy and the democracy is valid, Obama is a representative of that system.