Name: Penya
Comments: SMF should allow you to move their copyright below because it is too big and takes people away from your forum.
Name: Leferve
Comments: Can the color of the links be changed so that they don't stand out so much? My forum is mostly black with grey links and the SMF copyright is in white.
The SMF copyright notice has its own CSS code that can control the color of those links at the bottom, so you can change it to match the rest of your site's links or another color. If you don't know how to do it and will like a quote please fill in our SMF Custom Theme Quote form. You can see our past custom designs here: SMF Custom Themes.
Name: Wut
Comments: What about changing the color of the SMF copyright - can that be done without overstepping their policy?
You can adjust the color via CSS however there links should remain there and not masked.
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