JB, do you have more details about this? I know Lara was thinking about retiring, but I haven't heard about this issue with a sponsor causing players to be taken off the team. Thanks!
Xander, I know you asked JB about it but I will take the initiative and answer it myself . It seems like Brian Lara and other 6 players have contracts with Cable & Wireless who had sponsored the team for over 18 years, but now they have a new sponsor: Digicel who is also the competition of Cable & Wireless. The new sponsor and the Cricket Board of Management said that their contracts with them is affecting the contract with the new sponsor. The problem is that the contract do not specify that they cannot sign a contract with the competition. Basically what the players were doing was not illegal but certainly was not ethical. Let me put it an example: Cable and Wireless have a contract from 8-4pm every day where the players have to wear their jersey and stuff everytime they go out and so on...but then after 4 they go, they change the shirts and go to sign autographs in the competition company. Technically it is not illegal, yet it is not a proper business practise in my opinion.
I think the "dumbies" here are the sponsors who failed to add the necessary details in their contracts. Look at David Beckam and so many other football players, their sponsor is a very known phone company and this sponsor allow him and the other players to have other sponsors such as Pepsi and any other kind of company except the competition. That's common sense to me and if the sponsors of The West Indies Cricket team failed to write those things in the contracts, then too bad.
LDS_forever, thanks for the explanation. However, how is this forcing these players off the WI team? Is it because the cricket board told them they could not play because they had competing sponsors? Why didn't the board step in prior to the players signing contracts with a competing sponsor? I see some loopholes in the Cricket board's business conduct guidelines as well if they allow such behavior to occur. Of course the players are going to look out for themselves, it is the ruling sports board that need to keep the players in-check.
This is really sad, and a slap in the face to WI cricket fans and cricket players of yester-year! What happened to playing for your country and for the love of the game? The old players like Sobers didn't play for money; they played because they loved the game and felt honored to represent their country. I guess no sport is safe from the vices of money and greed anymore. I shouldn't be surprised but for some reason I am.
This issue is about money in both sides, but I do not think the Board of Management has any right to ask the players to see their contracts, that's a personal thing and I guess because the contracts may say something the players do not want to show, their lawyers counseled them not to do it.
Well with the upcoming South Africa vs. West Indies match some of the heads of government in the Caribbean and resolved the issue. Now we are waiting to see if the West Indies Cricket Board calls back the players including Lara. The decision I believe will be made today.