What Kind Of Parent Feeds Their Kids Poison?
Is it true that regardless to the warnings parents really do not care and continue to give their children poisonous substances passed off as food?
The parents themselves eat the junk so it will naturally pass on to the younger ones. Since an early age we have been schooled to eat a certain way, and it is very hard to get that attitude towards processed foods to change, usually it only happens when a major medical problem develops.
I find it very interesting the number of people especially parents who continue to feed their kids stuff that is very bad for them. When asked why they do this they usually respond with "I was raised on it and I turned out fine." It is attitudes like this that are causing the health issues children have today.
I think the second question asked by Ronan is more the point we are seeing in or area. So my though is that the parent is aware of the ads but not fully understanding the short and long term effects of prepackaged diets. Also some have no choice as some prepackaged lower quality foods is what they can afford. Any food is better then none.
I try to tell my boys if it is not raw it should not be eaten. (Yes this means veggies fruit and meat cooked that is.) Even bread to me is the worst evil out there along with cereals in a box.
I think the problem lies first with the government who allows corporations to advertise their products as fun magical foods. Also they leave little to no option for a healthy choice of foods. Everything is geared towards certain main corporations who have a monopoly on the food industry.