I am the mother of the girl, hurt in Tobago in 2007. The pilot of the pirogue, Ricardo Roberts of Post Office Street, Bucco never contacted my family, he never said sorry to my daughter. I was in Trinidad for 4 days to airflight her to the States and he never came to me to apologize or to offer any kind of help.
This is a case that happened in 2007. There is a story about it by Earl Manmohan of the Tobago News:
Thank you JB for moving my post.
You will know a lot more of our case in the coming weeks. There is the court trial next month. We took legal action against the THA.
My daughter is struggling and doing much better after multiple surgery and still a lot more of reconstructive surgery to go in the coming years. She had broken skull, lacerated face, broken arm in 3 places, sliced left leg in 8 places and lost a finger. She is damaged for life. Two years and a half now since. The boy is still paralysed from the waist down, in a wheelchair. A double nightmare for two families.
Hello. You have all probably read on the news these last two days about the court trial on this accident. Newsday is the most reliable information about all. Guardian no so close but fair enough. The trinidadexpress, slightly twisted.
Will this be enough for all this people to realise that they have to treat others with due care or still they need some more examples? I wish that all the weight of the law falls on all of them.
This is the first time I've heard about this boat accident. I don't look much at the papers, what happened?