Study says too much candy could lead to prison
British News
AP - Willy Wonka would be horrified. Children who eat too much candy may be more likely to be arrested for violent behavior as adults, new research suggests.
Source: Yahoo! News: World - Britain
I believe this to be false. I ate a lot of chocolate and other candies as a child and the only thing that happened to me is I had a lot of dentist work done. I did not do a lot of illegal activities and I know I did less than some who did not eat candy at all.
I would think it would be the other way around. Kids who have not been given treats and chocolate when they were younger would grow up angry and commit more crimes.
I was a paper boy from the age of 12 and so every time I went into the shop I couldnt resist buying sweets and crisps and all sorts every single day for 4 years, but I am a good boy and can honestly say I can't remember if I have ever broke a law in my life.
My opinion when it comes to people commiting crime or growing up is down to various things, like poor upbringing, traumatic events or peer pressure. Not how many smarties a child eats.