1 in 10 babies worldwide born premature
Nearly one in 10 of the world's babies is born premature, and about 1 million infants die each year as a result, says a startling first attempt to measure a toll that in much of the world is hidden. It's a problem concentrated in poor countries, with the vast majority of the nearly 13 million preemies born each year in Africa and Asia, according to the report released Sunday by the March of Dimes. Ref. Source 1
I thought the figure for Babies Worldwide Born Premature would be at least 2-3 because of the lack of good nutrition there is in the world. People in the West do not realize how small the percentage of the world's population can actually live comfortable and receive a staple meal everyday. Pregnant women need to have blood tests too to determine what they are lacking, this may not be readily available in places like Africa / Asia.