Thomaslee Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 52
This was a difficult week for me, not so much because my training has been hard but because of my difficulty instating awake throughout the day despite working to make sure that I get at least seven hours of sleep as days went on.
I am now on a written warning, for lack of professionalism because of falling asleep, despite doing everything I can to stay awake. Standing up, keeping moving, walking around a bit such as by going to the rest room to splash cold water on my face, run in place and a few jumping jacks.
Some in my class are actually suggesting I have narcolepsy, either perhaps in addition to or sepretely from having sleep apnea. Honestly though, I am at a loss of what to do… Except for one, energy drinks.
I normally don't like to depend on them, and I honestly don't have them very often in most situations, but I have seen their effectiveness the couple times I was able to get one this week. With the help of my roommate and hopefully my dad, I'm going to see about grabbing enough to last me the next two weeks until I get paid.
Its frustrating, but it's not like it's the first time I've found myself drowsy and falling asleep in a more quiet environment. I mean when we were all talking, and I'm able to interact with others in the class, it's not something I really have to worry about. Yet when we are doing eLearnings on the computer by ourselfs or having to just listen… it becomes extremely hard.
My trainer has been doing everything he can to work with me, especially in allowing me toget up, move about, and use therestroom when needed, yet I've fallen asleep so many times in class that he had to write me up.
This has actually affect my online activity quite a bit, in part because when I get home I just want to relax and sleep. Especially since I've worked to get over being sick, and with having to deal with signing my new lease… Which is thankfully finally over with.
Edited: Thomaslee on 25th Feb, 2018 - 3:16pm