There are users who were once members that keep coming back to this community. They failed to follow the rules and were most likely restricted or completely removed from the database, but they still keep coming back as though they seek to enjoy the 'punishment'. One tatic they use is to come back with a different username and Email, but we still know it is them. Their IP and writing style always gives them away. What do you think - why do they come back?
I would imagine there is a different reason for each person. But, this forum gets under a person's skin, and that might be the biggest reason.
It would be very nice if people who are banned would "repent" and change their ways. But that probably won't happen.
This forum is the cream of the crop, and everyone wants to be a part of it, for good reasons. However, the key to being at the top, is the structure and precedence that is set here, and for some, that is just too high of a standard to adhere too. Thus when they are subjected to banishment, it is too hard to bear, and they either try to come back knowing that the forum walks the walk and means business, or they spoof their way back in and try to upstage the architect and its enforcers, and thus prove they are crafty and wily. Good luck with that people, you are being watched!
I've seen this happen countless times on practically every forum I've ever seriously invested my time in and became actively involved with. My general observation is that mostly these are miscreants of varying degrees who have little else to do than try to "get one over" on the forums' admins and loyal members. Such a pity...
I have two theories.
One, they are just miscreants, as Fugi pointed out, and can't resist causing trouble.
Two, they enjoy it here, they know it is a good Forum, and a great place to be and they sense the feelings of "family" and camaraderie etc., but they can't seem to "click" into it for some reason; and they don't understand why.
Other forums aren't as strict as this one. Probably, at first, they thought, well, let's have fun. When they realized this forum is way more strict then others (that's a compliment ) they probably take it as a challenge to join once again and this time obey the rules.
But of course, each member has his own rerasons.
I have a couple of 'torny' users that do not get it and no matter how many times you delete them they come back using a different name . I think they feel they are somehow invincible and invisible and it is only because I am not interested in taking time in sniffing out their ISP and account to shut them down as an abusive net user do I tolerate it.
An increase in the behavior Discussed here has recently been noted.