More Board Mergers
* All Health related Boards were merged into one general Board. The Exercise Board was absorbed into International Sports
* All Sports related Boards were merged into one Board
* The Caribbean and all the T&T related Boards were merged into one Board
Board Merger Complete
We have been downsizing the spread of Boards we have here and after a couple of days of tedious work we finally got it down to major Boards. There are so many changes that it is difficult to list them all but here are the highlights:
* There is no longer a RAVE section - it was merged with Welcome. We felt Members that Upgraded really did not interact much with new Members so the separation actually made it worst
* Some RPGs were merged with other Boards. For instance the Sub Solo play Boards were merged with the main RPG Boards.
* Boards that had similar subject matter were merged, for instance: Law & Order was merged with Heinous Crimes
Now I know this will take some getting used to but I promise you in the long run it will be easier on everyone. There will be less thought about where to Post a Thread and more activity on Boards that were formerly dormant. Already we are seeing a lot of evidence of this as Threads are being activated by Members that were simply on other Boards but now more noticeable.
To help you with this the Site Map has been updated and you will immediately see it is less intimidating. You will be able to find the Boards you are looking for faster. The letters are bigger and yet it takes up less space than the old Site Map. Take a look.
Administrator's Rants
* Huge changes have taken place in the Community with many
Board mergers keeping everything together. Please do check the
October Newsletter to keep track of all of them:
Source 8
* Please check out the Halloween related Threads:
Source 7
For those of you celebrating Halloween we hope you have a safe
happy time, but I also hopt that you will share some photos with
you and the children or big children as the case may be. Start
uploading by going to the Forum Gallery, select a category and
then simply upload by clicking on "Upload Your Picture":
Source 4
* Hey where is your vote for Member of the Month? Start
here and choose a Member you think deserves your vote:
Source 3
* Kntoran Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 is getting ready to
start - make sure to create your character with our news D & D
Character generator! That's right it calculates all the information
for you. Check for details:
Source 9
* Trinis, all related Trini Boards have been merged into one:
Source 7
* Lds, all related Lds Boards save for Mature was merged:
Source 7
%NAME% check the latest Topics and add your input:
Source 1