Orthodox Mormon vs. Unorthodox Mormon
I was just checking over some of the recent LDS related Threads and noticed that the terms "Orthodox Mormon" and "Unorthodox Mormon" are being tossed about a lot. Maybe we should use this Thread to Discuss the differences for those who want greater understanding about the differences between: Orthodox Mormon vs. Unorthodox Mormon. Maybe in addition we should ask,
What are the differences between Orthodox Mormon vs. Unorthodox Mormon vs. Mormon?
An excellent question, with no easy answer.
To me, an "orthodox" Mormon is someone who considers the LDS church to be the answer to all religious questions. That is, if the Prophet says he wears pink bunny slippers at home, there will be run on similar slippers at the stores. (End of slight sarcasm.) Seriously, though, these are the folks who can only answer most questions with either trite, overused answers or just say, "The Prophet said so, that is why."
Unorthodox Mormons want real answers to serious questions. They are perfectly willing to ask whether or not a Prophet was justified in making a policy or doctrinal change. They want to know whether or not such a change really comes from the Lord, and whether or not it applies to all.
For me an Orthodox Mormon is someone who feels the church is perfect and that the men leading it are infallible hence if someone is counseled or required to do something of them they would automatically do it without pondering or praying about it. On the other hand an Unorthodox Mormon is someone who believes men are capable of error no matter their position, we also believe we can receive personal revelation that not always agrees with present church doctrine.
I totally agree with the above definitions, though I find them highly ironic.
"Orthodox" (the antithesis to un-orthodox) comes from the Greek "orthos" (right, correct) and "doxa" (thought, teaching, glorification) and means "of correct faith/teaching", thus signifiying one offers the theologically correct form of service, of follows true religious doctrine. I find this ironic as I think we can agree to the fact that what mormonism is should be defined by what Joseph Smith "created/restored." Mormonism is a movement grown out of the teachings of Joseph Smith, so an orthodox Mormon should be one correctly adhering to the teachings of Joseph Smith. Nowadays, an unorthodox Mormon is much closer to the Ideal set forth by Joseph than the "correct" (orthodox) Mormon.
Name: Babydoll
Comments: I'm orthodox Mormon. I describe it as being someone who follows the Word of Wisdom to its very last word. Which means, I don't drink caffeine, I don't go shopping on Sunday, and I attend seminary every morning, along with family home evening, so on so on. Unorthodox Mormons I think of as people who do follow the LDS faith, but are lenient on it. Not to judge, of course My relationship with God through the Son is personal.