Trinidadian Guide To Showering
* We live in the HOT Caribbean. Taking a shower should be a multiple time a day occasion. Not once a week or every other day.
* If you have a strong odor forget the fragrances and go for carbolic
* In the morning before you go to work, school or meet another human --> shower
* If you live in an area where water is not in constant supply do not use that as an excuse not to take a bath / shower. Make sure to keep containers / buckets of water in spare room.
Feel free to continue the list...
If WASA issues a notice to conserve water, please do so. Do not waste water by taking long showers, leaving the tap on while brushing your teeth and watering the lawn with a hose.
If someone is waiting to use the shower after you, be considerate and take a short shower.
Do not urinate in the shower.
Use soap while taking a shower.