What may I ask is wrong with storing your leaky transmission in your bath tub while fixing it? *pulls up collar and tucks in neck*
Strange red necks like muscle cars and seem to know how fix them. But "dinks" enjoying SUV have no idea how to fix them and pay the "red neck" to do it for them. All because their old Mercedes could not fit the hockey gear in the trunk with the clubs.
Hunter you got that right. But to me one of the all time car of worthy note is the Chev Impala. They were reliable sturdy so much so that in later years they were abolished from demolition derbies as the frame was heavier and gave a distinct advantage.
You also could boost these bad boys up to what ever horse power you liked and would know they could take it.
Here is a link to the legendary 409, I think is the flagship of the Impala fleet.
One could hit a modern civic and think it was just a bad pot hole.
Edited: krakyn on 5th Feb, 2008 - 2:18pm