Palestine vs. Israel - Page 23 of 110

QUOTE there was a palestinnian state along - Page 23 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 18th Sep, 2004 - 4:20pm

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Poll: Which statement is the MOST true for you with regards to the Israeli vs. Palestine conflict?
  Israel is a terrorist State       10.94%
  Palestine is a terrorist State       23.44%
  Palestine has no claim on anything since the last war       6.25%
  Israel should withdraw and allow Palestine to become a State       9.38%
  Israel is only doing what the USA wants       3.12%
  Palestine is only doing what the Islamist want       1.56%
  Both people are equally blood hungry       10.94%
  Both people really want peace but are blind       9.38%
  Israel owns the Middle East       1.56%
  Israel does not belong in the Middle East       9.38%
  Palestine are angry because they were conquered       1.56%
  Palestine was there first and deserve their land       12.50%
Total Votes: 64
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Palestine Statehood Who Is Right? Should Palestine be its own soverign nation state? Why is the USA attempt to block this from happening? Is Israel using an apartheid system much like South Africa did where people are segregated into undesirable areas and become unable to access the basic necessities of life? Does Israel have a point that they have major security challenges against those trying to harm them? How can this be resolved or will it ever? Will there be a Palestine state?
Palestine vs. Israel Related Information to Palestine vs. Israel
Post Date: 18th Aug, 2004 - 6:58pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 23

that's cuz the UN just aren't the brightest crayons in the box....they don't and can't understand what Israel is going through...all they do is sit there, watch, and critique without offering assistance or other wayz to solve the problems...

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Post Date: 15th Sep, 2004 - 2:08pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Israel vs Palestine

Hey Guys when a terrorist kills an innocent israeli/jew why should children and women and innocent adults pay the price ????

if israel wants to stop this then i wouldn't mind haveong my country as gaza and westbank as long as there isnt any settelments and there is no fence inside or around the westbank/gaza

15th Sep, 2004 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel Judaism Studies

Why should innocent Jewish women and children be murdered by Palestinian Arabs?

Sharon has announced plans to withdraw from almost all of the Gaza strip and the West Bank, but will continue to put up the fence between Israel and those areas. Those areas will be free to have commerce, transportation, etc, with any other countries, but will be denied that access to Israel.

So far, the Arab towns and people within Israel have become great supporters of the fence, as they have enjoyed remarkable gains in their physical and economic security.

Post Date: 16th Sep, 2004 - 5:47pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Page 23 Israel vs Palestine

nighthawk i have 3 israeli friends TOM he is in telaviv at the moment and AK in beersheba and Nomrad is in here in uk in my maths class....we do get along its just that people like you who dont know the diffrence between a palestinnian and a terrorists i dont hate israelis i hate the settlers who r mad and the zionests (sry for spelling :S) and people who think we arabs have nothing to do but kill people thats rubbish, what i want to do is to study pharmacy and uni and im going nxt october at bath uni (i passed my alevels and i got a place at uni) and then live and work here in oxford now did i mention killing israelis/jews did i mention blowing my self up NO these people who do these things r dumb and stupid and dont in anyway represent the arab populations!!!

i hate osama binladen and i hate hamas they give us bad names and worst of all is the saudi police and royal family they r dictators and wish america sorts them out

16th Sep, 2004 - 7:15pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine

My point is that in the rhetorical discussions earlier, I was referring to the fact that so many, many Israeli women and children have been killed by Palestinian Arab bombers, snipers, "police" (security forces), and simple gunmen. Eventually, especially since the fiasco in Russia, more and more people are going to identify ALL Arab Muslims with these horrendous actions.

From what I know, the Palestinian Arabs don't help their cause much, because they provide tacit approval and help to the terrorists. For example, when Israeli soldiers were recently going through and destroying homes along the Gaza border with Egypt, even the BBC (the most anti-Israel, pro-Arab newspaper in the West) noted that local residents were harming themselves by allowing tunnels to be built into their homes.

As for the settlers, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are legitimate Israeli territory! These were lands that Israel took as buffers, after the surrounding countries ATTACKED ISRAEL.

Of course the settlers are mad. Their children are frequently shot at, buses blown up, snipers shoot at the settlements, etc.

Post Date: 16th Sep, 2004 - 9:55pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel

hey guys u might find this helpful....

nighthawk u must remember we dont have police force that attack israeli people and also arab children died from israeli snipers and tanks, people are getting killd by both sides...

nighthawk what do u think if

there was a palestinnian state along side israeli state
no war between the 2
and palestinnans can work in israel and vice versa


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18th Sep, 2004 - 3:17pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 23

There is a Palestinian Arab state, right next to Israel. It is called Jordan.

As far as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip being another Palestinian Arab state, that is fine. But there is no indication whatsoever that the Arabs will leave the Isrealis alone. To this day, all the Palestinian Arab children are taught in school that there is only one acceptable solution to their problems - the total destruction of the state of Israel (their elementary schoolbooks have only maps of Palestine, with the borders of the state of Israel. They are also taught that their purpose in life is to drive the Jews into the sea.

The Palestinian police force have been videotaped attacking Israelis, and there have been many people who have testified that the Palestinian police force are very active in murdering any Arab who appears to be cooperating, in any way, with Israelis, including having simple commercial relations with any Jew.

I haven't read of any reports of Arab children specifically being targetted by Israeli snipers. There have been young men and boys who have been put into the crossfire, who have died. However, I know of many incidents where Jewish infants have been targetted by Arab snipers, not to mention the recent attack against the pregnant Jewish woman and the close-range executions of her five children.

Is this happening to the Arab children? Are Israeli soldiers walking in to Arab homes and executing the 2-year-old girls? Not even al-Jazeera makes that claim.

I do not think that all Arabs or all Muslims are barbarians. I think that they are allowing the barbarians (Arafat, the Iranian mullahs, etc) to define to the rest of the world who they are. Arafat is the father of modern terrorism. He founded the ideas of airplane and ship hijackings for political purposes, he was one of the major forces in the Munich Olympics tragedy, he is the impetus behind both Intifadas.

Remember, when the 2nd Intifada started, it was BECAUSE the Israelis had acceeded to all of his demands, giving him 95% of the land he demanded. He refused to accept the possiblity of peace between the Arabs and the Jews, so used a pretext to start the Intifada.

The world is getting tired of terrorism. The more that the Palestinian Arabs continue this failed strategy, the more the world will begin to turn against them.

18th Sep, 2004 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel Studies Judaism - Page 23

there was a palestinnian state along side israeli state
no war between the 2
and palestinnans can work in israel and vice versa

I think this would be wonderful. Trouble is, I don't believe it will work. I believe there are too many palestinians who want all of Israel and would never live peacefully with them with open borders. Perhaps you can have the two nations side by side, but I think it unlikely they could allow seamless travel between the two for work or anything else.

There is a Palestinian Arab state, right next to Israel. It is called Jordan.

I don't believe this answer is going to satisfy anyone really. That to me is like saying if the US were taken over by Canada that it would be o.k. because Canada is a christian state or that many Americans originated in or migrated to Canada at some point. I think there needs to be a Palestine. I don't know how it happens. I think it takes a lot of compromise and concession from the Palestinian people that many don't appear to be willing to make. Palestine is never going to get all of Israel. It simply isn't going to happen. So, what I think they need to do is be willing to compromise. I haven't seen much evidence of their willingness to do so. You can't really blame Israel for being unwilling to set up a sovereign nation right next to their borders when they know without a doubt that nation wants nothing more than to overtake the Israeli nation.

> TOPIC: Palestine vs. Israel


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