Palestine vs. Israel - Page 33 of 110

The school curriculum as described was part - Page 33 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 25th Dec, 2005 - 3:39pm

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Poll: Which statement is the MOST true for you with regards to the Israeli vs. Palestine conflict?
  Israel is a terrorist State       10.94%
  Palestine is a terrorist State       23.44%
  Palestine has no claim on anything since the last war       6.25%
  Israel should withdraw and allow Palestine to become a State       9.38%
  Israel is only doing what the USA wants       3.12%
  Palestine is only doing what the Islamist want       1.56%
  Both people are equally blood hungry       10.94%
  Both people really want peace but are blind       9.38%
  Israel owns the Middle East       1.56%
  Israel does not belong in the Middle East       9.38%
  Palestine are angry because they were conquered       1.56%
  Palestine was there first and deserve their land       12.50%
Total Votes: 64
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Palestine Statehood Who Is Right? Should Palestine be its own soverign nation state? Why is the USA attempt to block this from happening? Is Israel using an apartheid system much like South Africa did where people are segregated into undesirable areas and become unable to access the basic necessities of life? Does Israel have a point that they have major security challenges against those trying to harm them? How can this be resolved or will it ever? Will there be a Palestine state?
Palestine vs. Israel Related Information to Palestine vs. Israel
Post Date: 20th Dec, 2005 - 3:24pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 33


Voting is underway among rank-and-file members of Israel's Likud party to replace its leader, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who defected last month to form a new party.

Will Jerusalem be divided?

For nearly four decades, Israeli politicians have called Jerusalem the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel. Yet the vast majority of nations, Israel's close ally the United States among them, refuse to recognize the city as such. The Palestinians, for their part, view the city's Arab quarters as the capital of a future independent Palestine.

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22nd Dec, 2005 - 7:10pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine

I have frequently been accused of not knowing anything about this subject while discussing the Palestinian situation in Israel. I just happened to stop by WorldNetDaily today, and here is a headline article:
Child on TV: Jews are 'dogs, villains'
Interview with Palestinian girl featured on Saudi channel

Saudi television featured an interview with a young Palestinian girl who called Jews "villains" and "dogs" and said the Palestinians have no desire for peace with Israel.

Now, how is it that I have frequently stated that Palestinians have absolutely no desire for peace with Israel, and I keep getting challenged to prove this, yet I have no problem whatsoever finding the information that Palestinian children are taught in Primary School that Israel has no right to exist, that all of their maps in Primary School show no land of Israel, just a total Arab ownership?

I guess I must be pretty stupid after all.

Anyway, here is another bit of interesting news:
Palestinians boot Jews, now beg them for help
Arabs unable to reproduce successes in area greenhouses
The Palestinians who took over the Jewish greenhouses in the Gaza Strip when Israel withdrew its communities from the area now are asking expelled farmers for advice after reportedly failing to reproduce the region's famous insect-free vegetables, WND has learned.

Prior to Israel's August withdrawal, the residents of Gaza's Gush Katif slate of Jewish communities ran greenhouses known for producing high-quality insect-free vegetables. The Gush Katif gardens featured some of the most technologically advanced agricultural equipment and accounted for more than $100 million per year in exports to Europe. The greenhouses also supplied Israel with 75 percent of its own produce.

BTW, this article also reports (in support of my earlier assertions) that the Palestinians have taken advantage of their ownership of Gaza to use it to stage missile strikes into Israel. Sounds like the Palestinian Arabs are upholding their side of the bargain. After all, isn't that the plan? Give up land to the Arabs (after all, 90% of the land isn't enough), so that they can get ready to kill more Israelis?

Anyway, here is a bit more news on various, related subjects:
JERUSALEM - The Iran and Syria-backed Hezbollah militia maintains a cell in the Gaza Strip that directs and finances terror operations against Israelis, including several attacks carried out by a group connected to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, a captured Palestinian terrorist told Israeli interrogators.
JERUSALEM - Jews plan to take over the world by killing their opponents, Israelis are the descendents of pigs and monkeys, and Allah will soon dish out "the harshest punishments" to the followers of the "corrupt and racist Torah," according to radio broadcasts and audiocassettes recently distributed in the Palestinian territories.

"The dissemination of anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic hate propaganda continues throughout the Palestinian Authority-administered territories" in spite of multiple pledges to reform the Palestinian media, according to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at Israel's Center for Special Studies, which released a study that includes translations of radio broadcasts from last month.

Oh, by the way. These stories come from REAL journalists. This isn't a blog, or some neophyte distributing the news, but people doing real journalism. Hey, they aren't even sitting in a hotel in Baghdad or Jerusalem, making up their "reports" from the rumors flying around them!

But then, maybe they aren't real journalists. After all, they think that Israel has some redeeming qualities. They also don't believe the propaganda coming out of Al-Jazeera.

23rd Dec, 2005 - 5:28am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel Judaism Studies

Nighthawk, WorldNet Daily is not a news agency. It is a propaganda website for the pro-Christian and pro-Israel movements.

I've read all of these articles you posted and they are not written by journalists. Journalists are trained to report in a balanced manner. You can just pick up a pen, start writing what you feel, try and back it up with a few favourable comments from one side and then say you're a journalist. That's not how it works. None of these articles would be published in a newspaper of any note.

They are extremely agenda driven, rely on strange sources and make no effort to interview the people they condemn.

The editor of this website, David Kupelian, has written a book called "The Marketing of Evil", which suggests abortion, body piercing, homosexuality and divorce are part of an elaborate marketing scheme devised by those who are evil.

Do I need to say anymore?

There is also little or no information about any of the other people who report on this website, or even about the website itself.

There was another article on this website that says the video of a Palestinian boy who was shot dead in his father's arms by the Israeli Army was a fraud. They said the whole thing was staged, despite the Isreali Army even admitting the child was shot because they were "shot at first". That was the excuse I remember. To publish such nonsense is an embarrassment to the website's author.

Nighthawk, nobody is accusing you of knowing nothing about this conflict, but your opinions tend to be biased towards Israel. Lets face it, both sides have had their fare share of atrocities and they are both culpable to some degree for the current conflict.

In reply to your post:

Child on TV: Jews are 'dogs, villains'

You have suggested that because ONE hand picked Palestinian girl was interviewed, perhaps even coached, into saying horrible things about Jews on Saudi television, that all Palestinian people don't want peace. How can you generalise a whole population based on the statement of one 12-year-old girl? Do we isolate 12-year-old Israeli kids when we want to know what Israeli people think?

If Palestinians are taught that Israel doesn't exist in school, then prove it. Post a Palestinian school curriculum which illustrates this. If you can I will be the first to accept you were right about this.

While we are on the topic of education, are the Israeli children taught about the history of Israel before if was formed in the 1900s? Are they taught about the settlers illegally occupying Palestinian land? Are they told about the people who lived in this region, mostly Palestinians, before jewish settlement? I'd actually be quite interested to compare both versions of history. I bet they are both way off the mark and the truth lies somewhere in between.

Palestinians boot Jews, now beg them for help
Arabs unable to reproduce successes in area greenhouses

I find it very strange they haven't actually interviewed any Palestinian farmers who are seeking help. In fact they haven't even verified if this is the case. Now it may well be, but unless they actually make an attempt to speak to the people who are "asking for help" this is just hearsay.

And let's not forget Gush Katif was an illegal settlement.

BTW, this article also reports (in support of my earlier assertions) that the Palestinians have taken advantage of their ownership of Gaza to use it to stage missile strikes into Israel. Sounds like the Palestinian Arabs are upholding their side of the bargain. After all, isn't that the plan? Give up land to the Arabs (after all, 90% of the land isn't enough), so that they can get ready to kill more Israelis?

The article doesn't report that at all, are we reading the same report? It never mentioned anything about missile strikes. So what you are suggesting is that Israel should occupy the whole Middle East? This isn't about Arabs vs Jews, it is about the Israeli people and Palestinian people. I will ask you this again. While you believe the Israeli people have a right to their own land, do you also think Palestinian people should have the same rights?

If you want to learn more about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and all other Middle East matters I highly recommend you read the work of Robert Fisk. He in the Middle East correspondent for the Independent Newspaper and has covered these conflicts for the past 30 years. He has also won more UK and international journalism awards than anyone else in history.

You can access a website which publishes his work at: Robert Fisk's work

He has also just written an excellent 900 page book called "The Great War for Civilisation". It is about the Middle East and provides in depth coverage of the Palestine-Israel conflict. The Great War for Civilisation

Post Date: 23rd Dec, 2005 - 12:06pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 33 Israel vs Palestine

Israeli police 'tied Palestinian to galloping mule'

A Palestinian man, said to have been last seen in the custody of Israeli border police, died after being found wounded and comatose beside a mule to which he had apparently been tied and dragged along a dirt road. Relatives of the man are seeking legal advice on whether they can secure the reopening of the investigation. They suspect the policemen detained him for seeking work in Um Touba, a Palestinian village inside Israel, without a permit, tied him to his own mule and drove it off at a gallop.

23rd Dec, 2005 - 2:31pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine
Palestinians Thank Israel for Gaza With Rocket Attacks

When Israelis withdrew from the Gaza Strip in September under the pretense of improving their national security, the Trumpet was among the skeptics.

Unsurprisingly, Israeli Defense Force statistics reveal that Israel's disengagement from the Gaza Strip has not slowed the barrage of Kassam rockets being fired into southern Israel. After a month-long lull immediately after the withdrawal, light-weapons fire and rocket and mortar attacks have continued unabated.

Since August, 156 rockets have been launched from Gaza into Israel, with the number increasing each month. Because the Israelis have vacated the settlements in northern Gaza, the Palestinians are now able to bring their launching sites closer to the border of Israel and even reach into the industrial area of Ashkelon-which contains a power plant, oil pipleline and other vulnerable installations. Three rockets have landed in this vicinity just this week, one of them on an Israeli military base.
Palestinian Incitement

The recent twelve months, the year of Palestinian violence, has been characterized by a collapse of all norms by the Palestinians. They did not hesitate to blatantly violated all writen agreement between us and them - the use of violence, damaging holy sites, murdering Israelis and also unrestrained and malicious incitement against the state of Israel and its armed forces.

The Palestinian Authority incites the Palestinian people without any inhibitions, beginning in kinder-gardens, through schools, mosques, on official radio and television stations, thus the PA cannot evade direct responsibility for the brutal and murderous violence and terror against the State of Israel and its armed forces.

[b]Several examples of the Palestinian Incitements:[b]

  • Sermons in mosques broadcast on official Palestinian television, calling to murder Israelis, and supporting suicide bombings inside the State of Israel.

  • Summer camps in which children are taught how to use weapons against Israel.

  • Rallies in which models of Israeli buses and settlements are burned, and dolls portraying Israelis are "killed".

  • Calls in the Palestinian media to rescue the Al-Aqsa mosque from its destruction by Israel.

  • Rallies in which the "Shahids" the suicide bombers responsible for the deaths of scores of Israelis, are lauded.

  • Palestinian leaders call in public for the use of violence against Israel.

Hamas: "We shall knock on heaven's doors with the skulls of Jews" (2.12.02)

By Itamar Marcus
Palestinian Media Watch

The Palestinians have reported that recent talks between the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas have led to a strengthening of cooperation. Indeed numerous terrorist attacks have been executed by joint Hamas - PA terror teams. Given the increased PA cooperation, the political messages of the Hamas take on greater significance. The following two items now appear on the Hamas website. The first describes the killing of Jews as the way to Islamic heaven and the second deals with the religious question as to whether a woman terrorist may dress without the traditional Islamic garb when the Islamic garb hinders her ability to commit terror acts.

An analysis of the textbooks used in Palestinian schools:
There is no improvement with regard to recognition of the Jews as a people with religious and historical ties to the land. Doesn't give Jews right to religious holy places.

What is a minor improvement in this regard is a reference to Judaism as being a "heavenly" religion, which means monotheistic.

But that's it.

There is no recognition of Israel as a State, and as a Jewish State. Israel is not listed on any map.

There is negative stereotyping of Israel and increased demonization of Israel.

Until now Israel was responsible for environmental problems, economy, etc.

Now internal family violence is seen as the fault of Israelis as well.

There is no mention of the Oslo agreements.

No explanation of anything that was signed, or any commitments made.

There is glorification of Jihad-which is represented as the Islamic view of war. There is praise for death.

The solution to the current problems is represented as being the liberation of Palestine and the return of every refugee. 25% of the time, liberation refers to the territories; 75% of the time, it refers to all of Israel since '48.

Jordan is a Palestinian State. Jordan and Egypt owned the "occupied territories" before 1967, so-called "Palestinian" Arabs had no ownership of land, no freedom, no government, no existence outside of the refugee camps established and ruled by Jordan and Egypt. Jordanian people have the same music, food, customs, dialect, religion, music, dances, etc as the "Palestinian" Arabs.

At the moment, I couldn't care less if the Arabs take the "occupied" territories. They will ONLY use them as staging points for further terror and warfare.

As I mentioned earlier, any news source that DOESN'T demonize Israel, Christianity, etc, is not considered a valid news source.

Post Date: 23rd Dec, 2005 - 4:43pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Palestine vs. Israel

Noam Chomsky v. Alan Dershowitz: A Debate on the Israeli-Palestinian

We bring you a debate between Noam Chomsky and Alan Dershowtiz on the question, "Israel and Palestine After Disengagement: Where Do We Go From Here?" Dershowitz argued for a political solution based on an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian towns and a mobile security fence to protect Israel's borders, while Chomsky insisted that the main obstacle to peace in the region is U.S.-Israeli insistence on maintaining settlements and
rejecting minimal Palestinian rights. They faced off at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government last month.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
24th Dec, 2005 - 1:34am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 33

Nighthawk, if these school curriculum claims by yet another Israel source are true then that is disturbing. I hope they are not, but it wouldn't surprise me.

But one thing I have a problem with is that it doesn't make it very clear exactly where they obtained this school curriculum from. It is not very specific and pulls quotes from unnamed texts. In fact it doesn't even specify if they are from texts at all. Plus it is very agenda driven, which alarms me.

I would accept that Palestinian children are taught a very pro-Palestinian version of history, which would obviously contradict reality. And you make a good point about that. If you teach children the wrong version of history it is not going to help to resolve the conflict. But I'm certain children in Israel are taught a similar lesson from the other perspective.

Do you know what version of history children in Israel are taught?

Jordan is a Palestinian State. Jordan and Egypt owned the "occupied territories" before 1967, so-called "Palestinian" Arabs had no ownership of land, no freedom, no government, no existence outside of the refugee camps established and ruled by Jordan and Egypt. Jordanian people have the same music, food, customs, dialect, religion, music, dances, etc as the "Palestinian" Arabs.

Lets look at the real history of this disputed area. Before Israel was created after WWI, the land known as Israel today was a part of the Ottoman empire and inhabited by Arabs, who are today's Palestinians. It was also inhabited by other Arabs and quite possibly a minority of Jews. It had been like this for centuries. In fact one the earliest civilisations recorded in this region were the Philistines, whom the term Palestine originated. They were recorded as rulers of the land well before the Israelites were recorded there. In fact they even defeated them.

I know this is all ancient history, but what isn't is the simple fact that Palestinians have a greater affinity to the land known as Israel, Gaza and West Bank. Just like Red Indians have a greater affinity with your country and Aborigines with mine. But the Palestinians had called their land "home" much sooner than these other two marginalised civilisations.

That is an undeniable fact, but you seem to think history only began after Israel was created less than a century ago.

Fact 2: In 1967 Israel illegally invaded the West Bank and Gaza strip thereby making their occupation of that land illegitimate. I don't care what the US or Israel thinks about this. The world, not just the Arab League, recognises that what Israel did was illegitimate and the world judges Jewish settlements in these regions as illegal. And because the governing "world" body created Israel, THEIR opinion is far more important than America's, Israel's or Palestine's.

If these settlements had the slightest chance of being legal Sharon would not be removing settlers from them, would he. Why is it that one of the conditions of the US drafted roadmap, another horrible term, that Israel withdraw from these settlements?

As I mentioned earlier, any news source that DOESN'T demonize Israel, Christianity, etc, is not considered a valid news source.

So does that mean all major news agencies demonise Christianity and Israel? And the only news agencies of any credit are those that promote Israel's POVs?

Mate I understand your perspective but you can't prove your point by posting pro-Israel perspectives whenever you make a claim. In the news game we regard that as "opinion". If a report is not agenda driven, offers balance, and is well researched with proper sources, then it has some credibility. LDS was also a reporter, you should ask her what constitutes a credible report if you don't believe me. I understand we are offering opinion in this debate, but to prove something as fact, you can not use opinion.

Nighthawk, one thing I find strange is that all the comments you make about Palestinians not wanting peace actually come from Israel. Every time you try to prove this you use a source from a pro-Israel website. If you want to prove what someone thinks, ask that person, not their opponent.

I simply do not believe Palestinians are bloodthirsty carnivores who want to kill every Jew. That is pure nonsense and the sort of rhetoric the extreme right in Israel is trumpeting to fan this bloody conflict. After all, it is these extremists who want the West Bank and Gaza, a "greater Israel", lets not forget that. Terrorists, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli, are going to use extreme language to advance their cause. I have no doubts this is happening in Palestine, as you suggest, and Israel, as you would rebuke.

If Palestinians are bloodthirsty animals, as is being suggested in this debate, why is it that Israel has murdered almost 3 times as many Palestinians then vice versa? Nobody wants to talk about the air raids, bulldozers and other military apparatus the Israeli Army uses to murder Palestinians. Don't Palestinian deaths count? Are are they all just pesky terrorists who deserve to die, while Israelis are innocent civilians?

I have Palestinian friends who live in Sydney that tell me their people just want peace. I also have an Israeli mate who says the Jews just want peace. their opinion counts more to me than

Reconcile Edited: arvhic on 24th Dec, 2005 - 1:56am

25th Dec, 2005 - 3:39pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel Studies Judaism - Page 33

The school curriculum as described was part of the Oslo Accords. The Palestinian Authority promised to remove the call for the total destruction of Israel and Jews. They never did it.

Here is an interesting little opinion piece.
Prof. Aumann to Knesset C'tee: Disengagement was a Disaster

Nobel Laureate Prof. Yisrael Aumann addressed the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Wednesday, calling the Disengagement a "disaster" and pleading for patience on the
part of the state.

Aumann, who received the Nobel Prize for Economics due to his work in game theory, explained the basic principles of game theory to the committee, as well as the application of those principles in reaching a final-status arrangement with the Jewish State's Arab neighbors. Using lessons from his innovations, Aumann attacked the unilateral removal of Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria last summer. He said that continued withdrawals would only lead to bloodshed, as they
signal that Israel does not know what to do and is merely taking an action for the sake of "doing something."

The Hebrew university professor told the Knesset committee that the urgency at which the government seeks to reach a settlement with the Arabs poses a great danger. He said
patience and proper preparation on the economic and social levels are what will bring true peace to the region.

"The current drive for peace now, not tomorrow," Aumann said, "is liable to bring about the opposite."

The Nobel Laureate said that Israel's Arab neighbors - "our cousins," as he referred to them - must be convinced, not that we are desperate for peace, but that we are willing to be patient and live with the current situation.

I have felt the same way all along.

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