Palestine vs. Israel - Page 38 of 110

Set Borders by 2010 Israel expects to draw - Page 38 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 9th Mar, 2006 - 12:15pm

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Poll: Which statement is the MOST true for you with regards to the Israeli vs. Palestine conflict?
  Israel is a terrorist State       10.94%
  Palestine is a terrorist State       23.44%
  Palestine has no claim on anything since the last war       6.25%
  Israel should withdraw and allow Palestine to become a State       9.38%
  Israel is only doing what the USA wants       3.12%
  Palestine is only doing what the Islamist want       1.56%
  Both people are equally blood hungry       10.94%
  Both people really want peace but are blind       9.38%
  Israel owns the Middle East       1.56%
  Israel does not belong in the Middle East       9.38%
  Palestine are angry because they were conquered       1.56%
  Palestine was there first and deserve their land       12.50%
Total Votes: 64
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Palestine Statehood Who Is Right? Should Palestine be its own soverign nation state? Why is the USA attempt to block this from happening? Is Israel using an apartheid system much like South Africa did where people are segregated into undesirable areas and become unable to access the basic necessities of life? Does Israel have a point that they have major security challenges against those trying to harm them? How can this be resolved or will it ever? Will there be a Palestine state?
Palestine vs. Israel Related Information to Palestine vs. Israel
4th Mar, 2006 - 2:14am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 38

I took the time to research more about these statements and there were so many sites that quoted it that I could not check all of them. I find the comments to be sickening, disgusting and hateful. It made me very upset by just the term "a nation that drinks blood" *shaking head*, it made me more sick the case of that woman who was saved by a Israelite doctor yet after all she went through she still have the bold face to say she still want to kill at least 30-40 Jews. It is just plain unbelievable. And they talk about "Allah"? Sorry but what do they heck know about Allah?

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4th Mar, 2006 - 5:01am / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine

Nighthawk, I take it by your remarks that you know a lot of Palestinians and have spent some time living there.

Why do you have so much hatred and contemp towards Palestinians? What have they ever done to you or anyone you know?

To suggest that all Palestinians are bloodthirsty monsters, as you routinely do, and all Jews are saints, is a distortion of reality. Palestinians are human beings, just like Israelis.

They enjoy being bombarded, occupied and murdered just as much as you do.

I do not think either side in this battle is clean or totally at fault. But if we keep playing the blame game then nothing will ever get solved.

I agree that a woman who is willing to blow up 50 people in a suicide attack is highly disturbing.

But the question of "why" must be asked.

Why are Palestinians willing to blow themselves up to kill Jews? Is it because they were born evil? Is it because they are bored? Is it because they have run out of stones to throw at Israeli tanks? Is it because they have had so much happen in their lives they are willing to take such a desperate measure?

Mate, I don't mean to be rude in my post, I am just curious as to why you are so against Palestinians. Has this come from a personal experience?

It is just plain unbelievable. And they talk about "Allah"? Sorry but what do they heck know about Allah?

LDS this is a very true statement. Anyone who is willing to cast such hideous acts is not religious. The Muslim faith does not teach people to kill others. This is not a conflict over religion, it's a conflict over land.

I am curious to know what everyone thinks will happen to this conflict now that Hamas is in power. Will Hamas eventually be forced out of power by Israel and the US? Will Hamas revert to their old violent ways or change for peace? Will Israel sharpen its blade or extend an olive branch?

5th Mar, 2006 - 12:35am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel Judaism Studies

No, I haven't lived there. However, I have been following the news, including what they have to say about themselves, for quite a while. I have already been in one war dealing with Muslim aggression and expect to see a whole lot more.

I am extremely concerned about how Palestinians target innocent women and children in their attacks. You keep saying that Israeli forces have killed many more Palestinians than vice versa. However, Israeli soldiers also put themselves at great risk whenever they perform any action against radical Palestinian Muslims. Israeli soldiers do not go around killing Christian or innocent Muslim traders just because said traders are dealing with Jews.

It really amuses me the way so many people on the Palestinian side make a fuss about the fact that Israel is considering stopping all trade with the Palestinian Arabs. After all, there are a whole bunch of Arab nations in the near vicinity, but they won't trade with the Palestinians, just as they won't let them immigrate, get jobs, purchase property, or anything else in those countries. The Palestinian Arabs are, and always have been, weapons in the hands of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan to be used against Israel.

Iran provides money and material to Palestinian terrorists. Saddam Hussein used to do so. Syria, Jordan and Egypt supply them with money and material, along with more propaganda to use in their fight to destroy all Jews, everywhere.

You appear to object to me continually bringing up this information from various sources, so I thought that you might enjoy hearing the words of the homicide bombers themselves. I am sure that isn't good enough for you either. You see, the culture of the Palestinian Arabs appears to be so filled with violence and anger that there is no way for peace to ever come to the region.

I have offered, over and over, links to what the Arabs have to say for themselves about Palestine, Israel, and the US. They can't stand the thought of a free and just society in their midst. It is an affront to their oppressive culture.

What you may not understand is that the chief cleric in Jerusalem in the 1930s was a close confidant and student of Adolph Hitler, and espoused the same political ideologies. This means that much of the culture, which descends from that ideology, is as full of militancy and hatred as the Third Reich.

Are all Palestinians blood thirsty monsters? Of course not! But - they just elected a radical terrorist group to be their government. There are many good people among the Palestinians. But that doesn't change the fact that their leaders and their culture is barbaric and blood thirsty. Do you deny the words that the bombers themselves had to say? They claim that their people are thirsty for the blood of the Jews.

Are all Jews saints? Not by a long shot. The infighting that goes on within their country is just about the worst I know of in any democratized nation. I watch in disgust as the ultra religious factions seek to establish a socialist state with them as the prime beneficiaries.

However, are they really the monsters that YOU claim them to be? Did you vote that Israel is a "terrorist state"? All they want is to be left alone. For almost 60 years they have experienced almost constant warfare as Arabs physically attack them almost daily, and the rest of you all attack them with words and propaganda almost hourly. Yet they have the most robust economy, by far the most robust agricultural culture, the most advanced scientific community, and the most liberty of any country in the region.

One final point. When the "settlers" were driven out of Gaza, there was an incredibly productive farming community based on special greenhouses used to keep the plants in high humidity. The "settlers" had provided many jobs to local Muslims. When the settlers were driven out, the local Muslims who had worked in the greenhouses took them over. They immediately failed. It seems that the Jews had tried, very hard, to train and educate the Muslims how to do the work there. The Palestinian Muslims considered the Jews to be monkeys and pigs, too stupid to teach them anything. So, when the Muslims took over the greenhouses, they were unable to figure out how to properly care for the plants, although they had been doing a lot of that work for years.

Which one of these groups would you like for neighbors, anyway?

As for me, I will choose the Israelis. As a culture, and a nation, they are FAR more likely to be helpful and considerate than the alternative.

Post Date: 5th Mar, 2006 - 5:44pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 38 Israel vs Palestine


In a tape released on Saturday, al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahri, has urged Hamas not to recognize any agreements that the Palestinian Authority signed with Israel.

7th Mar, 2006 - 6:27am / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine

What you may not understand is that the chief cleric in Jerusalem in the 1930s was a close confidant and student of Adolph Hitler, and espoused the same political ideologies. This means that much of the culture, which descends from that ideology, is as full of militancy and hatred as the Third Reich.

Nighthawk, to suggest that Palestinian culture is borne out of the Third Reich is ridiculous. So what if a cleric in Jerusalem 76 years ago had similar ideologies. I fail to see how you can link today's society with that.

But that doesn't change the fact that their leaders and their culture is barbaric and blood thirsty. Do you deny the words that the bombers themselves had to say? They claim that their people are thirsty for the blood of the Jews.

No, I don't deny the words of an absolute minority of people who want to be suicide bombers. This is an inexcusable act. But you never take into considerations the reasons why Palestinians might use terror. You just ignore the reasons and cry about the results. Maybe when you have your family members murdered by the military of an occupying force you might feel different.

The Palestine culture is not barbaric and blood thirsty. As you concede, there are many good Palestinian people, just as there are many good jews. But Israel does murder more people than vice versa by about 3 to 1. That is a fact Nighthawk. I don't care what their excuse is or how they do it, a death is a death. Whenever Israel kills someone, the conservative right says they were a terrorist. No proof is ever given or produced for such lies. Whenever an Israeli dies, they are innocent civilians. Now if every Palestinian is a terrorist, then why isn't the US invading that country?

I am extremely concerned about how Palestinians target innocent women and children in their attacks. You keep saying that Israeli forces have killed many more Palestinians than vice versa. However, Israeli soldiers also put themselves at great risk whenever they perform any action against radical Palestinian Muslims. Israeli soldiers do not go around killing Christian or innocent Muslim traders just because said traders are dealing with Jews.

That concerns everyone. But yet again your implication is that Israeli soldiers are excused from killing women and children because they say they don't 'target" them. If you are going to shoot a machine gun or fire a rocket into a crowded area then how on earth are you not targeting everyone? And, I have also seen examples of Israeli soldiers targeting innocent civilians on video tape, shot by Western media. And what about all those men who are being killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

It really amuses me the way so many people on the Palestinian side make a fuss about the fact that Israel is considering stopping all trade with the Palestinian Arabs.

If Israel choses not to trade with Palestine, that is their choice. If Israel refuses to give Palestine money from Palestinian taxes, that is completely different. Israel owes Palestine money. That is the money that concerns me.

With all due respect, it really doesn't matter who you or I would prefer as neighbours. The Palestinian people are entitled to their land. This land is being occupied and controlled illegally by Israel.

Both parties have to work together to come to a peaceful solution. I don't believe either is right or wrong. You talk of Hamas as being terrorists, and there is no doubt they have been. But so has Israel through the use of its military. Who am I to say state sponsored terrorism is any better than guerrilla terrorism.

7th Mar, 2006 - 7:44pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel

Archvic said:

No, I don't deny the words of an absolute minority of people who want to be suicide bombers

I do not agree with this statement. I do not think it is a minority, I think lots of Palestinians (whether it is justified or not, it's not the point) feel the way they do and they consider themselves "bloody" and "thirsty for blood of the jews". The most irrefutable proof is that Hamas (as you also described as "terrorists") have won the elections in Palestine. Therefore, MOST Palestinians seem to want that type of group to lead and conquer the land they seem to believe is theirs so to say is a minority, it is not accurate in my opinion.

This is an inexcusable act. But you never take into considerations the reasons why Palestinians might use terror. You just ignore the reasons and cry about the results. Maybe when you have your family members murdered by the military of an occupying force you might feel different.

If it is an "inexcusable" act as you put it, then why it is so important to know why they do it? After all, the act is "inexcusable", yes we may be able to understand somehow why they do it, in the end the act itself does not change and the results either *shrugs*

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8th Mar, 2006 - 12:04am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 38

I think lots of Palestinians (whether it is justified or not, it's not the point) feel the way they do and they consider themselves "bloody" and "thirsty for blood of the jews". The most irrefutable proof is that Hamas (as you also described as "terrorists") have won the elections in Palestine. Therefore, MOST Palestinians seem to want that type of group to lead and conquer the land they seem to believe is theirs so to say is a minority, it is not accurate in my opinion.

Hamas is a terrorist group to the West, it is not a terrorist group to Palestinians. Hamas wasn't elected to power because they kill people. They were elected because Fatah was corrupt and seen as a puppet to US and Israel interests. You could draw certain comparison to Sharon's rise to power if you consider his bloody past.

Hamas, whether we like them or not, is regarded as freedom fighters to Palestinians. One person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. This is very true when we look at several other examples in recent conflicts like the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, who were seen as saviours in the US, but in reality are even worse than the Taliban.

I don't for one second pretend that Hamas coming to power is a good thing. I think it is a bad outcome for peace. So, strangely enough, was Sharon's illness. But Hamas was the democratically elected government. A political process the US was so desperate to have. So Israel and Hamas can either isolate each other and continue this bloody battle, or try to work together for peace.

Unless you have visited a country and met the people I think it is very hard to draw conclusions about how blood thirsty or evil they are. I can go to the internet and pick out hundreds of examples of brutality on both sides but does that make both Palestinians and Israelis blood-thirsty? Does those examples constitute a majority? Are Irish Catholics also blood thirsty animals because they support Shin Fein? I spoke to an Orange protestant terrorist who was a lovely person, fighting for what he believed in.

I refuse to denigrate the people on either side of this conflict based on hand picked examples of brutality by people with an agenda to fill. The credible journalists who I follow and some who I have even spoken to that know the region very well tell me both the majority of Palestinians and Israelis are good people.

If it is an "inexcusable" act as you put it, then why it is so important to know why they do it? After all, the act is "inexcusable", yes we may be able to understand somehow why they do it, in the end the act itself does not change and the results either *shrugs*

Why is it so important to know who the Israeli Army target's and why? The media is always so keen to know their side of the story but I never hear many questions asked of Palestinians. When a Palestinian kills someone they are terrorists. When and Israeli does it they are just doing their job. In the end, the result is the same right? Not quite, because one side is clearly killing more than the other. We also have to remember that Palestinians don't have one of the world's most lethal army to do their dirty work.

To solve any conflict it is important to understand why people are compelled to behave in a certain way. This goes for both sides.

It's just like September 11, the one question never asked by the media is why would someone fly a plane into skyscraper to kill a few thousand people? The answer is not as simple as they are evil bad guys who hate the American way of life.

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2006 - 12:15pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Palestine vs. Israel Studies Judaism - Page 38

Set Borders by 2010

Israel expects to draw its permanent borders by 2010 and build a controversial settlement outside Jerusalem as part of the effort, acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in an interview published Thursday. Olmert, whose Kadima Party is the clear front-runner in March 28 elections, told The Jerusalem Post daily that within four years he intended to "get to Israel's permanent borders, whereby we will completely separate from the majority of the Palestinian population and preserve a large and stable Jewish majority in Israel."

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