I am all for giving a person convicted of a misdemeanor a chance of working with children. I do not think they are a threat to society.
I do believe that felons should have a second chance at things. I just do not think that is should include anything with children. They may be a great person and I have no problem with that but felons do not need to be teaching kids. There are plenty of other jobs they can do. We need to make sure our children are safe from violent or potentially violent individuals.
Name: Mark
Comments: Well I will tell you people something...until you walk in someone's shoes don't try to act like you know what they are talking about or how they feel. I am a convicted felon (quick hide the women and children) from taking a store deposit as a store manager and paying it back before they even filed charges (I"m not trying to justify what I did because I know it was wrong...just stating the facts). This happened in 1998 and since then I have completed my Bachelor's and Master's degrees and have had nothing more than one traffic ticket from an accident - that is it. I am a loving father and grandfather and love kids from the bottom of my heart, but because I am a felon I cant' teach and to tell you the truth it is hard many cases just to find a job worth anything because of the felony conviction. Although I was told constantly that I paid my debt to society (what a bunch of crap that was)and there wouldn't be any problems with getting a job (not even mentioning teaching) and to tell you the truth it has been nothing but problems. It gripes me that you can have 200 misdemeanors and that is fine.... you aren't a bad person like if you had one felony. Now I know that common sense dictates that there are different crime and criminals but each should be taken case-by-case and person-by-person because there are many variables to consider. I shouldn't be stereotyped with every other felon because of my criminal record. Believe me there are many people out there that have felonies on their records and you don't even know it...and you still like them. You never...ever...finish paying your debt to society because you are reminded of it just about every week of your life. Please everyone just get off of your holy, high-horse and realize that what you did in the past isn't necessarily who you are today. If we had to judge everyone by the mistakes they've made in the past and then remind them of it every day of their lives where do you think that would leave us? Not every felon is a beast and not everyone that hasn't committed a felony is a pillar of society. I believe that I have a lot to offer a society that is scared and hurting but I won't have the chance to apply that help to the hurt....I guess I'm just to bad for that.
Name: Shelly
Comments: I am trying to find a list of sub teachers that are not allowed to teach anymore I have a feel there is something going on in a classroom in Colorado.
Shelly, if you suspect something, you should contact the principal of the school as soon as possible. If you want, you can place the name of the person in question here and I will do my best to search online about him/her.
Shouldn't these things be left up to the local community? I think the community would know best. They might say that the person just had a rough go at things and now he/she is alright. I had a few misdemeanors a long time ago, but that person no longer exists (mostly). They don't even exist on record now. I still say that at least 2 of them where justifiable.
It depends on what the crime was. Child molesters, rapists, and murders should never work around kids (most of them Shouldn't be alive). Sorry that is just the way it goes felons. Reformed or not you should find another line of work if it is one of these 3 things and be thankful for life. But a lot of felonies are just 2 people fighting sometimes, or habitual drug abusers. Assaulting an @sshole cop can land you with a felony. I think the system is to harsh on some an not harsh enough on others. Do you know how many guys have felonies for getting into a fight and accidentally killing the person they fought, or killing someone for molesting their own kid? I am not saying it is right. I am just saying that it should be left up to the community and there are different types of felons. I have worked around plenty of them. In construction as long you got a strong back you can work. I also know that there are people that don't have felonies that should. Construction draws some of the foulest creatures sometimes. And some of these supposed felons can only get jobs in construction. There are a lot of prisons full of people that don't belong there and unfortunately after a year or 2 they become real criminals.
The system is flawed. I know a lot of people in the system that try really hard to help people, and God bless them. I have taken a lot of genuine advise from these people that work in the system. I know that a lot of their hearts are good. They know something is wrong with it.
I understand that this is disagreeable. Please feel free to disagree.
There might come a time where many are slapped with felonies for disagreeing with this system of government. How many people ask "why is he getting arrested" vs " he must of done something bad"? Who decides who a felon is? I am afraid that in our system it is felons that decide our fate. Atleast half of the higher ups are nothing but sleazy, unscrupulous felons.
Name: Kristy
Comments: I am a convicted felon. I have been clear of all charges for 6 years. I have been clean of drugs for 6 years. God saved my soul and forgave me. I just wish society would. every where I turn this comes up. I feel like I am just here letting the world go by. Like I am a oddball in my own land. Everything I think to do it is blowed apart by my past. Man if I could only go back in time!
I feel that as a convicted felon and even some of those convicted as non felony charges should not be teaching our children. Is it fair to feel this way after you have served your time? I believe that it is. We have enough problems with children and teens who feel that they can do anything and not pay for what they do. I believe that talking to a convicted felon is something that can help open their eyes. IF we let these felons teach then the kids will think nothing about what they do because they know they can still get any type of job in the future after they "pay" for their sins against society.
I feel that there are jobs out there that a felon can do and there are jobs I do not want them to do and society pretty much has this set. Does that mean I will not associate with a convicted felon? NO I will take to you let you in my house and even let you watch my property while I am gone if you are my friend. I do not hold a grudge against felons after they have paid their time.
Name: Ron
Comments: The standards should be much higher and, if anything, we have lowered our standards to accept as teachers people who don't belong in a classroom. We have come to accept as role models people who exhibit poor behavior and little in terms of ethics, responsibility and pride. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, some more serious than the others. But we have proven as a society that we forgive much too much and wind up actually embracing illegal and/or immoral acts. Just look at shows like the Bad Girls Club, Survivor, Daddy's Sweet Sixteen, Bridezilla, etc. It is time for us to reclaim our students, our children, our society.