Mental Health In Trinidad
On TV6 there was a report about there being a Mental Health crisis in Trinidad & Tobago with one example being given of the Barataria Health facility that newly opened having tripled in the number of people seeking help for some sort of mental disorder. A Health officer / chairman mentioned that a lot of the people come in having been doubled diagnosed, for instance they are told they are schizophrenic but at the same time it may be offset because they have a drinking problem. He alo mentioned that a lot of the youth are suffering with depression. Any thoughts?
I wouldn't doubt it because the social structure and social services in Trinidad are inept to deal with the large amount of cases. You are talking daily abuse (physical and sexual) starting with the children and spousal abuse.
On TV6 they captured the Health Minister, Fuad Khan, saying that 25% of the population in Trinidad and Tobago have suffered or are currently suffering with a mental health disorder. If you use that percentage then that means about almost 300,000 people in Trinidad and Tobago.
Stigma 'biggest obstacle' to progress in mental health*
THE main thing that is preventing progress in mental health is stigma. And the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) is attempting to remove that stigma, said its chief executive officer Anil Gosine. Ref. Source 5n