Little Mars rover that could heads to new crater
Space / Astronomy Related News
Reuters - The aging but intrepid Mars rover Opportunity is set to embark on a two-year mission it may never complete -- a 7-mile (12-km) journey to a crater far bigger than one it has called home for two years, NASA said on Monday.
Source: Yahoo! News: Space & Astronomy News
Mars Rover FAQ: The Martian Lives of Spirit and Opportunity
Space / Astronomy Related News
SPACE.com - At times, it seems like NASA's Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity will last forever on the red planet.
Source: Yahoo! News: Space/Astronomy
Mars Rover (Hover)
Thousands Of Miles From Shutdown Mars Rovers Keep Working
The budget negotiations in Washington are not front-page news on Mars. There, millions of miles away, NASA's rovers continue to operate, taking photographs and collecting data as they prepare for the coming Martian winter.
Mars rover views spectacular layered rock formations
The layered geologic past of Mars is revealed in stunning detail in new color images returned by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, which is currently exploring the "Murray Buttes" region of lower Mount Sharp. The new images arguably rival photos taken in U.S. National Parks. Ref. Source 8v
Image from NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS.
Mars Rover (Hover)
For me, getting the Rover all the way there and be able to follow instructions from all the way here on earth is more amazing than getting humans there. Humans can correct for errors but bots can't… well most of the times not.