When you read stories like this, you hope it was an accident but as you discovered it wasn't you start thinking what could possibly be wrong for a 12 years old child to murder his own 8 year old brother in this way? Insane.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
I notice that in rural areas you hear a lot about stories like this one. Kids don't learn these things unless they're taught. Guns and kids don't mix up.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 43 4.3%
I call this improper training of children around a firearm. I grew up in a house that had guns that were loaded. I got very angry at my brothers but never thought to shoot them. My children are in a house with firearms. I own a high powered rifle and a hand gun. None of my kids have ever gotten angry enough at one of their siblings to the point of wanting to shoot each other.
I know there is a lot they have not released but I believe that if your going to have guns and bullets laying about more education is needed so the child respects the gun.