Post Date: 25th Oct, 2009 - 12:57am / Post ID:
QUOTE The problem is that the portion of the population that objected so strenuously to Prop 8 is extremely vocal, and has a lot of practice in getting their minority opinion instituted as de facto law through the court system. So, they not only protested, but they caused various Mormons to get fired from their jobs, they also filed suits in the courts in an attempt to harm Prop 8 proponents including the LDS church. So, besides their use of freedom of speech to attempt to sway opinion, they also legally attacked the church members' freedom of speech and religion.
Yes and that portion of the population is vocal, but I am not sure why that is a problem. That is their right. To say that is a problem is to say that their right to be vocal is the problem. We have to honor that right just like we want our rights honored.
I am not saying that some LDS did not lose their jobs for being LDS, some may have, but I think that is a very small minority. I am sure gays, blacks and other minorities have lost there jobs for who they are as well. Unfortunately it happens even if it is wrong. But it is not exclusive to LDS.
Sure they are filing suits regarding prop 8. But again how is this suppressing your right. They have the right to do file suits. By denying them that right, we are doing to them what we are saying what they are doing to us. If I am correct in my memory they lost their law suits and prop 8 still stands. The problem with conservatives is that they complain and gripe about how the constitution and the law is being taken away, but they do not allow the constitution and the due process of law to work. They get all upset when things are taken to court, and are unwilling to let the process work itself out.
So again they may be taking the church to court, but it is their right to do so. Let's not forget that. It seems that you want to take their rights away.
QUOTE First of all, Communism. Has it affected the Church? Absolutely. Has it affected the family? Absolutely. The Communist (actually extreme Socialist) movement of the 1950s forward has led directly to our current situation, where socialist ideas permeate the culture. These ideas include a lot of ideas that are harmful to families. Since we failed at keeping communism and socialism out of our culture, we get to suffer the consequences.
Sorry I just do not by it. Last I check we were still a capitalistic republic and the Berlin wall is gone. And before we go there with the bailouts, that strategy is a capitalistic approach to stop the failing markets. That is economics 101 Keynesian and freedman economics who were the most influential capitalist of the 20th century. Besides if we were so socialist, there would be no debate with health care that we are having now.
QUOTE Interracial marriage? The fact is that children of interracial marriages have a more difficult time in life. It is also a fact that interracial marriages, in the 1970s and 1980s at least, were more likely to end in divorce.
I am not sure how to take this or how to respond. Are you saying that interracial marriage a bad thing? It may have had its struggles in the 70's and early 80's, but today I do not see this, and it was those in the 70's and early 80's that made it possible today, so thank God they did not head that council. Through there efforts we have come a long way. I have many bi-racial friends who have successful marriages, and families.
QUOTE I think we're getting to the time when just saying you're a Mormon will get you in trouble. Can you imagine how tough it will be for missionaries to go knocking? Someone out there will say they are being persecuted by the Mormons because someone knocked on their door.
No I do not think that the day is coming that being Mormon will get you in trouble. Just because a vocal minority protests does not mean that the rest of the world will do the same. (Although I do think that the conservative republican party does not care for LDS very much either) Lets remember that most states have a ban against gay marriage, most churches still do not allow full fellowship to gays. So I think that the church is pretty much in the majority. However, if the church is going to give millions to defeat a prop 8 then they are putting their face out there for the world to see. They are going to get some push back. I am kind of surprised as to how may members are shocked over this and over reacting. But then again I think we like the idea that we are persecuted. I think it makes us feel a little more elect.