Thank you for the replies, my stats are as follows, plus other rolls.
It won’t let me roll 5d4 so I rolled 4d4 and 1d4 I hope this is acceptable.
Try the d4 again slect d4 then on far right select 5 times. Options to roll up to 6 times. You need another d100 and a d12. I need to know what race and sex you wish to be. You ability rolls look great remember to take away lowest and add other three to get score from 3 to 18.
You can start getting your skills and feats together and what your profession will be. Remember first level starts at zero experience and max hit points.
His ability scores look great because instead of selecting just 4 rolls he put the minimum number as 4.
Nosaj, here's what… see that column called "Start #"? Don't touch nothing there. Just the "Purpose", the "Type" of dice and the "Amt" or rolls and that's it.
Ok I misunderstood how the dice roller works, I will reroll all the dice. Hopefully these look better,. Those were nice ability scores but I see now why they were, maybe the dice gods will look with favor at me on these next rolls. Edited: Nosaj on 19th May, 2016 - 12:04pm
So dropping the lowest die in each ability score you should have: 11, 12, 6, 10, 12, 12. The dice gods are cruel.
As a hint, a Ranger will use Strength for melee, Dexterity for ranged, and Wisdom for spells and senses. We don't seem to be short on archers, but having a tracker would be great! You might even be the tracker we hired in town and easily slip into the game, if KNtoran wills it so. Edited: iCon on 19th May, 2016 - 1:46pm
I forgot to let you know my race/sex I would like to be a Male Elf, I am thinking I will be a Ranger with a rather low Charisma.
Thank you for your input. A scout/ tracker is the way I wish to go and besides with a low 6 I can add that as my Charisma (That really is the only place I can put that as a ranger) I will probably not want to be around people much.
Charisma doesn't necessarily mean you don't want to be around people, only that people react to you poorly (Because of bad looks or bad personality). I am sorry for the low rolls, you are statistically a rarity, but it must happen somewhere. I look forward to seeing you in the game.
As a elf you get a +2 on dexterity and -2 on constitution. So make sure to add that into your core scores. Since you are a male you need to roll a D8 for height and a 2 d20 for weight. You are under height and under weight. That is what the rolls will determine. You have brown hair and brown eyes. You start with 110 gold. Start fleshing out you character and after you post those two rolls I will tell you your height and weight.