Sounds Like someone forgot to keep track of her experience points. I will look that up later and let you know Krusten. I know you leveled up to level 5. Yes there is a reason for my madness on resetting to zero every time you level up. I know it seem off but this lets you gain more experience and more ability to get to know your characters as they progress in level. Instead of leveling up fast and missing the chance to really role play them and maybe miss out on some great equipment or feats.
Oh, that wasn't a criticism, I get it.
That stated, if Krusten made it to level 5... What chart are you using? The one I'm looking at has 10,000 xp listed as the marker for L5. If so, any point below level four would need more than 10k to make it there.
While I make one reset to zero on leveling up they do not lose any experience they got over what is needed to level up for example you have 2,600 experience you need 6,000 to level up to 4th level. You receive 5,000 exp. Therefore you use 3,400 to level to level 4 and you have another 1,600 to use on your way to level 5.
Ildrahil ended up with a set of +3 Elven Chain Mail, 4 CLW potions, 1 CMW potion, and 1 CSW potion. You got the entire stash of looted cure light wounds potions because everyone else has a decent supply of the same already.
+3 elven chain mail works out to a +8 armor bonus, maximum dexterity bonus of +4, and an armor check penalty of -2. And in spite of normal chain mail being medium, this is considered light armor, so proficiency isn't a problem. Congratulations, your AC now rivals the walking wall of metal. Now you just need a decent weapon.
I can't tell you for sure how much money Ildrahil ends up with, because we're still negotiating on whether or not to sell an item, but it should be 4,000 gp worth of trade credit, and a few thousand more in terms of actual coins and gems. So you can go on a bit of a shopping spree, though I'd hold off on the magic items until you're sure you can afford it. I suggest starting with a good mount. Ildrahil effectively inherited the mule belonging to my old character Lukas, but you'll want to trade up.
There's also a Wand of Fireballs that will change hands as the situation demands, staying with whomever is in position to use it to maximum impact (We rather expect that Ildrahil and Krusten will be swapping it back and forth much of the time.)
As to your question in Kntoran's intro thread, the short version is that you are at level 2, after having spent 1000 xp leveling up.
You have 2,000 xp left over, and will need to spend 3,000 xp to get to level 3. Edited: daishain on 13th Mar, 2017 - 3:38am