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Right then, you must choose two schools to - Page 90 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 30th Jul, 2017 - 4:39am

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Post Date: 30th Jul, 2017 - 1:19am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post - Page 90

Well, there are three level one necro spells on the default Wizard list (Other spells exist, but they need to be looked up separately)

Cause Fear- causes fear, powerful creatures immune
Chill touch- causes damage and drains a little strength
Ray of enfeeblement- drains a little more strength than chill touch can.

Just a suggestion, the strength of a Wizard is in his flexibility. By all means specialize in necromancy, but don't neglect other schools entirely.

My suggestion, pick one of the above necromancy spells, and two of the following: Color Spray (AOE knock unconscious+stun+blind), Mage Armor (+4 AC), Burning Hands (AOE fire damage), Grease (Makes area or object slippery)

Bear in mind, as a Wizard if you spend the time and money, you can eventually learn every wizard spell in existence, so if there's too many things you really want, don't agonize over it too much.

Reconcile Edited: daishain on 30th Jul, 2017 - 1:20am

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30th Jul, 2017 - 2:33am / Post ID: #
OverSeer TheWorthyOne
Wizard Specialized Nec...
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Post Play Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons

The Cursed One says...

I'm lenient, really, so I will choose:
Ray of Enfeeblement
Color spray
Mage armor

If the limit on the spells I may choose is greater than three, then the following spells may be added, starting from the top:

Chill Touch
Burning Hands
Cause fear.

Reconcile Edited: Overseer on 30th Jul, 2017 - 2:35am

Post Date: 30th Jul, 2017 - 3:07am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post Archive Pathfinder / D&D

You start off with only 3 1st level spells known, and get to add 2 spells to your book every level.

If during the course of play you get the chance to copy spells, from another mage's spellbook or from a scroll, doing so takes an hour and 50 gold pieces in materials per level of the spell.

I presume you are indeed going to specialize in necromancy? If so, you must choose two schools of magic (Other than divination) that will be forbidden to you. Its a tough choice, there are no schools that don't have useful spells.

Reconcile Edited: daishain on 30th Jul, 2017 - 3:09am

30th Jul, 2017 - 3:15am / Post ID: #
OverSeer TheWorthyOne
Wizard Specialized Nec...
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Page 90 Post Play Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons

The Cursed One says...

So, what does specialization do?
What stats does it increase?
Can I cast spells that I normally would not have access to if I am specialized?
Also, may I have more information about the opening for a superhero text Role-playing Game? I am interested in becoming a GM and I would like to know your first impressions of me and if you, personally, would allow me to create a Superhero text Role-playing Game.

Post Date: 30th Jul, 2017 - 3:32am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
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Post Play Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons


You should get some experience playing on these boards before you try to run a game. That's just my opinion.

Post Date: 30th Jul, 2017 - 3:37am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post

Most of this is answered by the Wizard page I linked earlier, here it is again: Source 8g

As to specialization: A non specialized wizard (Also known as a universalist) has access to all schools of magic. No restrictions.

A specialized wizard picks a single school of magic to focus on. The benefit of this is that you get one extra spell slot per spell level compared to the universalist (This extra spell slot could only be filled with spell from your chosen school, but that's not a serious concern). The downside of this is you never learn the basics for two other schools.

There are two caveats to this. You cannot pick divination as a restricted school, and if you specialize in divination, you only have to pick one restricted school.

Ultimately, it is versatility vs staying power. A specialist can cast more spells per day, a universalist has more options in what kind of spells are available to prepare

In regards to starting a superhero game. When you feel you are ready, create a thread in this subforum. Source 8c
Use the thread to describe your game and ask for players interested in playing. If you get a couple of people, the forum moderators should grant leave to get the game started.

Note: I am going to second Abnninja's opinion. Stick around for at least a little while before trying to start a new game, make sure you want to commit. There have been a few game masters who simply disappeared after getting their players' hopes up.

That stated, if you do commit, you are quite welcome to start a game, and I will most likely join in. We have been in need of more game variety for a while.

Reconcile Edited: daishain on 30th Jul, 2017 - 3:38am

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30th Jul, 2017 - 4:09am / Post ID: #
OverSeer TheWorthyOne
Wizard Specialized Nec...
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters Play Post - Page 90

The Cursed One says...

I appreciate your opinions and I will refrain from making a game until I believe I am fully commited.

I think I may become specialized in necromancy simply because it backs up my backstory and my gameplay, I mainly focused on necromancy in my backstory and I wish to stay as true to that as possible, I do not want OverSeer to be a jack of all trades necessarily but rather be a specialist in a few types of spell classifications, It will also help me, being new to the game, to have a fewer selection of spells to choose so that I am not overwhelmed.

Post Date: 30th Jul, 2017 - 4:39am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters Play Post D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 90

Right then, you must choose two schools to ban. You can't pick Divination, so that leaves:

-Abjuration (Defensive spells and wards)
-Conjuration (Creation, summoning, and teleportation)
-Enchantment (These spells influence minds in various ways)
-Evocation (The damage focused school, mostly blasts of elemental energy)
-Illusion (Rewrite others' perception of reality)
-Transmutation (Spells that change one thing into another)

Personally, I would never consider banning Abjuration, Transmutation, or Conjuration. Too many "Gotta have" spells in each.

If following my advice, that leaves you with only one other school you can keep.
-Sorcerers are much better at Evocation, but few wizards wouldn't want a fireball or two in their arsenal, and the wall spells are great.
-Illusion has several useful tricks on hand, certainly not the least of which is invisibility. Illusion can range widely in usefulness depending on how inventive one is.
-Enchantment is nice to mess with from time to time, but I can think of few spells I would specifically miss from it. This is especially true at later levels when most enemies are straight up immune to mind affecting spells.

It sounded like you wanted some damage dealing spells on hand, so I would suggest banning Enchantment and Illusion.

While you are at it, you also need to pick a familiar. This is a small magical creature that provides several benefits, not the least of which can be eyes and ears in places you cannot go. Check the wizard page for details.

If having an animal companion is not your style: For a necromancer, the Immediate Magic alternate class feature will let you trade your ability to have a familiar in for the following, usable a number of times per day equal to your Int mod. Cursed Glance (Necromancy): When a visible enemy within 60 feet targets you with an attack or spell, you can respond with a curse. If the enemy fails a Will save, he takes a -2 penalty to AC and on saving throws.

Reconcile Edited: daishain on 30th Jul, 2017 - 4:44am

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post


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