Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post - Page 96 of 112

For actual play, this particular game is organized - Page 96 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 23rd Sep, 2017 - 12:10pm

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20th Sep, 2017 - 3:22am / Post ID: #
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post - Page 96

The Resiliant says...

[I've] allowed a place at bottom of character statistics for "Saving throws". [I've] made the "Craft" skill for making traps. Do I have to further specify type of trap?
I found a lot of negative feedback on Dungeons & Dragons forum about "Crafting". Main complaint it takes to long, in game time, not practical? As I'm still in editing phase, I am yet to decide on specific crafting.
Is there a more appropriate crafting thing/item to make? Ive heard that even a sword takes a long duration?
But I've made all the other corrections you suggested from last post, including assigning the Hit points as a maximum figure (Not a roll).

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Post Date: 20th Sep, 2017 - 3:52am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
A Friend

Post Play Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons

No, trapmaking is one of the listed craft skills, you don't need to specify the type of trap.

There are 2 obstacles to mundane item crafting. One is simply that doing it in the field is not usually feasible, and most adventuring parties spend a lot of time in the field. The second is the pace of crafting makes anyone wince. Your crafting check times the craft DC equals how much progress you make in a week, in silver pieces.

So let us say you want to make a DC 20 item, and use take ten checks to get a 20 on the roll every time. That's 400 silver, or 40 gold in value per week. That could get you basic weaponry in short order, but basic weapons are so cheap obtaining them is a nonissue unless so poor that crafting tools are also a problem. It is masterwork and special material items that players are generally interested in, and those start at around 350 gp, and go up to several thousand. Given a choice between paying a vendor 10,500 gp to get Mithral plate armor now, or paying the party crafter 5,250 gp to get Mithral plate armor five and a half years from now… It is not hard to see why people aren't happy with the default setup. Especially since the party wizard just popped out a 5,000 gp wand in less than a week, as magic item crafting uses considerably more generous rules (In most ways at least)

Now, with all of that stated, Kntoran uses a rather more generous time table for mundane crafting times. I don't know what guidelines he uses for it, but he's been letting me craft mithral breastplates in another game in 2 weeks rather than the year or so it would have been otherwise.

That still leaves the issue of crafting in the field, but one can get around with that, especially since this group has an armored wagon that could be outfitted with a crafting workspace.

I suggest looking into the 3.5e book called dungeonscape for traps and related things you can do with the trapmaking skill.

At this point, it would also be good to consider how you will fit into the story. One suggestion, the group has hired a scout to take them into the badlands. If Kn is willing, Rivoril could be that scout, and start to take a more active role in events.

Reconcile Edited: daishain on 20th Sep, 2017 - 3:55am

20th Sep, 2017 - 9:31am / Post ID: #
Rogue 2nd Beguiler 1st
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Resiliant says...

Yes I agree, Daishain a "Crafting work-space" in a wagon, plus a more generous time frame would convince me to keep the skill. Before actually going "Live" so to speak with the character.
Obviously creating a mundane, non-magical sword would be a waste of time and resources as stated.

If I was going to keep it, then I would stick with "Trap-making," as the default type of crafting.

As for the character Rivoril, the Half-Elf Rogue. A possibility would be that he decided to leave that "Thieving gang" or rather escaped.

He tried to settle down in a town as a Locksmith, but wasn't getting enough money. He heard a rumor about a party of adventurers wanting a scout to go into some Badlands. What do they say? "The greater the reward the greater the peril."

But for now I need confirmation on the character sheet layout and data. Is everything required, and all there?

Post Date: 20th Sep, 2017 - 1:12pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
A Friend

Page 96 Post Play Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons

Okay, couple of comments:

-You'll want to change the character name to Rivoril.

-In regards to alignment, a lawful neutral character is typically someone concerned with order and discipline more than anything else. A judge, a robot, or an officer of the law for instance. Thieves typically default to the other end of the alignment, chaotic neutral or a step close to it.

-The description section is rather bare. A general rule of thumb is if others cannot read the description and get some basic mental picture of the way this guy looks and acts, it needs at least a little more detail.

-Still need to add up the totals for skills. Here's a sample of how I list it: Diplomacy 0(1), Intimidate 6(6), Jump 7(15) The first number is how many skill ranks I have bought in said skill. The second number is the total skill mod after everything has been added up. For instance, with jump, I have a -5 thanks to my armor, +6 thanks to strength, and a +7 thanks to a couple magic items, that all gets added onto the 7 ranks I purchased for a total of 15

-Also still need to have your Saving throws ready to go. The base for a level 1 rogue (Pay attention to the chart on the rogue page). Is +0 Fortitude, +2 Reflex, and +0 Will. Your Constitution, Dexterity, and Wisdom mods add to these numbers for a total of +2 Fort, +5 Reflex, and -1 Will.

Post Date: 20th Sep, 2017 - 10:24pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
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Post Play Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons

Most everything is done and looks good You are approved for play. Make sure you get the edits in like saving throws. You may wish to add you ability score modifiers to your skills.

Post Date: 22nd Sep, 2017 - 5:08pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post

Okay, so yeah, approved for play. Just need to bring you into the story.

Given the questions you had, I suspect you have a few more about how to actually play? What would you like to know most?

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23rd Sep, 2017 - 6:16am / Post ID: #
Rogue 2nd Beguiler 1st
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Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters Play Post - Page 96

The Resiliant says...

Ok I've played Dungeons & Dragons before but on a table top version, and I play Rok2 text based game also.
Obviously the game mechanics would be similar to Rok2, Like going out on patrol at Lafair?

The player character given a series of options then is required to choose one. The die roll, done automatically in that case but with modifiers based on skill etc.

How does the GM get around the time delay, if the party is engaged in combat together at same time?
It is a play by post, and each player awaits the response of the previous etc?
In the classic table top game, the GM is careful only to reveal,ONLY what a character can see, hear or touch. In a given amount of time.

It is then up to that character to find out and discover what they cannot see, hear or touch. By a combination of skills, magic if applicable.

Does the GM instruct the "Player" to make the appropriate "Die roll" in a situation eg combat?
Then the player would hit the "Add reply" button, and wait for the reply or response to their action.
Is this correct?

Oh and most importantly, where exactly as in what particular page (In this group) do I go to to actually PLAY live as it were? Obviously when I would type a message on that particular page, it would be "In character". Or do I have to write that out each time to specify?

Reconcile Edited: anronrosby on 23rd Sep, 2017 - 6:21am

Post Date: 23rd Sep, 2017 - 12:10pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters Play Post D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 96

For actual play, this particular game is organized into several threads.

Source 2m The game thread is where Kn posts major updates to the game in response to the player's actions. Don't post in here, but do subscribe.
Source 7i The Leader thread is the place to post your in character actions
Source 5o The questions thread is for out of character chat, in particular queries or requests for clarification from the Dungeon Master.
Source 1h The party thread is intended for in character actions and discussions that Kn does not need to respond to. It does not get used all that often these days, especially when, as now, we're in a high stress situation.

Generally speaking, for the sake of game speed, try to anticipate what rolls you will need to make ahead of time. When traveling or standing watch, pretty much always make spot&listen checks for instance. If going to open a door, go ahead and roll an Open Lock check, even if Kn hasn't said it is locked yet.

For combat, Kn typically asks us to roll four rounds worth of attacks or other actions at a time. No, you do not have to wait your turn in this regard. Just try to anticipate how the field can change and have alternate actions ready if need be.

I suggest going through the last couple of posts in the leader thread, compare them to the last couple of posts in the game thread. Should give you an idea of what the format is.

In regards to your companions. There are two druids, Avan and Albrecht, played by Icon and Alchyrogue respectively. Then there is Bastion, played by myself.

Reconcile Edited: daishain on 23rd Sep, 2017 - 12:12pm

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Create Characters For Play By Post


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