You are getting there. You need to shop for items. You have no magical items so remove those crystals. The only items in your description is what describes you. Remove the cloak the mask and other stuff like that. Remember you have 90 gold make sure you buy the items you need and list them in the equipment area and thier price. You will need to list your skills and your feats too.
There's no set way to do it as long as it is understandable. Here's a sample of how I list mine: Autohypnosis 1(6), Balance 4(2), Bluff 0(2), Concentration 5(10). In this case, the first number after each skill is the number of skill points I have bought, the second number in parenthesis is the total modifier after everything is added together.
But that's a quick notes version, you might want to spend a little extra effort to list it all out so you don't lose track. For instance, let's say that you invest three points in the Open Lock skill, and pick up Masterwork Thief's tools (Adds +2 to related checks, including Open Lock). Open Lock is a Dexterity based skill, so you'd get to add another +4 to that. You might list the entry as something like this
Open Lock (Dexterity) 3ranks+4Dex+2bonus=+9
In regards to feats, feats are extra little bonuses, they typically give you extra abilities, improve existing abilities, or add bonuses to the same.
You get 1 feat to start off with. You can (Buy) up to an additional 2 feats by taking on an equal number of Flaws. Flaws impose some manner of penalty. I highly recommend that option, you can never have enough feat choices.
Feats I'd suggest considering:
Two Weapon Fighting- This will let you fight with a rapier in one hand, and a shortsword or dagger in the other, and be pretty decent at it. Later feats in the same line can improve things even further, but aren't available right now.
Martial Study+Martial Stance- These two feats let you pick up a maneuver and stance from other classes. Some won't be useful, others would be. Assassin's Stance for instance would add 2d6 damage to your sneak attack. Note that taking a level of Swordsage later on might be more efficient than this option.
Point Blank Shot+Rapid Shot- the first provides a bonus to hit and damage with a bow/crossbow if in close range, the second lets you take an extra attack with the same. If planning to shoot more often than stab, I suggest these two to start.
Improved Initiative- +4 Initiative, a little boring, but a higher initiative mod increases the chances you'll be acting before the enemy does.
Knowledge Devotion- grants a bonus to attack and damage based upon how well you have identified what your opponent is. You need to invest in knowledge skills to really make the best use of this one, but that's hardly the worst thing in the world, knowing what you're up against and its strengths/weaknesses is always a good idea.
As for the flaws mentioned, take a look here: Source 2c. Edited: daishain on 25th Feb, 2018 - 4:31am
I don't think there are any feats like what you describe. I could be wrong, there are hundreds of feats out there, and you're certainly welcome to look up more options.
Also, we've already fought scaled creatures, so I'd say the chances there are pretty good.
If you're talking about making an attack that ignores armor and natural armor, what you're looking for is a way to target touch AC. Its a good thing to aim for, a lot of creatures that are normally very difficult to harm are vulnerable to touch. But I can't think of any way to manage that as a first level character.
Well I think a feat like that would require high dexterity and intelligence to both spot the area as well as hitting it with a thin enough blade to Peirce the gap how many need feat's are required to start.