There we go, we thought we lost you for a while.
Generally speaking, you have most of the needed decisions already made. Most of what you need to do is clean up your sheet so that you can find the information you need easily.
In particular:
Tell him that you need your combat critical details in the box labeled "Character Combat Info" Current/max HP, AC/TouchAC/FlatfootedAC, your initiative, BAB, melee and ranged tohit modifiers with your default weapons.
Since you're new to this, you probably want to list the stats associated with your gear. For instance, a basic Rapier deals 1d6 piercing damage, is finessable, and has a critical threat range and modifier of 18-20 x2. I'd keep it short and list it as "Rapier: 1d6 P, 18-20 x2, finesse" If you go back a few pages, I explained what all of that means
You also need to list your skills somehow that includes at least the purchased ranks and the total modifier. Barebones might look something like Spot 2, +6 If they need help remembering the details, someone might list everything out, such as Spot 2 ranks+2 elf bonus+2Wisdom= +6
For several skills and abilities, you copied all of the details onto your character sheet. That mess is just getting in your way, get rid of it. If you need a few shorthand notes, make them, if you need to look something up, look it up. You can post a hyperlink in there easily enough.
The only thing you actually need to fix in terms of what you have and don't have: You picked up two extra feats via flaws, but never actually picked the flaws to pay for them. As mentioned before, flaws penalize your character somehow. Generally speaking, you want some that won't cripple you somehow. For instance, a primarily melee combatant really shouldn't be taking Noncombatant (-2 to all melee attacks).
Edited: daishain on 17th Mar, 2018 - 11:27pm
Ok so I just list skills names and add the bits I am missing am I correct also I've tried using random rolls nut no one seems to tell me what I got so here we go again.
Edited: redsopine on 4th Apr, 2018 - 1:55pm
Your random rolled flaws are as follows. Unreactive - You are slow to react to danger. Effect is that you take a -6 penalty on initiative checks.
The second one is
Frail - You are thin and weak. Effect is you subtract 1 from the number of hit points you gain each level.