Round one - Faerydae begins moving to the main party she will arrive next round, Zork attacks but misses, Aliana hearing combat moves that way, Albrecht casts entangle on the hob goblins in front of the main group. Avan hearing combat moves towards the combat, Krusten shoots a hobgoblin killing it. Lukas misses with his action, Champ stays by Albrechts side this round. During the first round six hob goblins are entangled while the rest are able to make it through. The melee is all about. During this Lukas takes 3 damage, Zork takes 5 damage, and Krusten is hit for 8 damage. The rest miss their targets. Intermixed with the hobgoblins are five bugbears.
Round two - Faerydae casts command the hobgoblin resists the command, Zork hits a bugbear for 10 damage killing it, Aliana is still moving, Albrecht misses with his attack, Avan isstill moving, Krusten shoots another bug bear hitting it and killing it. Lucas no action, Champ attacks and hits for 4 damage. During this time Faerydae is hit for 7 damage, Zork is hit for 6 damage, Albrecht is hit for 6 damage and krusten is hit for 6 damage. The rest have missed.
I will pause here to allow those who have no posted more actions time to put more in.
Round three Zork, Faerydae and Krusten take a healing potion. (See your rolls for your added benefits.) All three will not be able to attack this round. The two hobgoblins by Faerydae miss, The two hobgoblins by Krusten both miss, the Bugbear by Zork hits while the hobgoblin misses Zork takes 4 damage. Avan and Aliana bot harrive to the combat. Avan misses as does his cat, hob goblin turns on Avan but misses him too. A bug bear swings at the cat hitting him for 4 damage. Lukas sends a bolt of energy at a hobgoblin scorching it for 9 damage killing it. The hobgoblins close to him miss as he backs out of combat. Champ hits a hobgoblin for 3 damage. Albrecht hits for 4 damage. The other creatures missed.
Round four - Faerydae shoots a hobgoblin close to her for 2 damage. Zork attacks hitting a hobgoblin for 5 damage, Avan hits a hobgoblin for 6 damge, his cat hits a hobgoblin for 2 damage, Champ bites his hobgoblin for 8 damage and trips him. But he was already dead. Krusten takes another healing potion. Albrecht missed on his attack. The hobgoblins and bugbears all miss.
Round five will be played out when I get more combat rolls form most everyone.
Round five, Faerydae, Zork, Lukas, Aliana all miss, The creatures did a bit better hitting faerydae for 4, Zork for 7, the miss the rest, Albrecht has withdrawn from combat as Champ covered him biting a hobgoblin for 6 damage. Krusten shoots and kills a hobgoblin hitting it for 17 damage. Avan casts a spell bringing forth a flaming ball of fire.
Round Six - Lukas misses his attack, Faerydea hits for 6 damage the same hobgoblin she shot before killing it. Aliana hits a hobgoblin for 4 damage, Zork hits a bugbear for 7, Champ bites the hobgoblin again killing it. Krusten shoots a bugbear hitting it for 40 damage killing it. Albrecht feels the soothing of a CLW spell. The creatures do a bit better this round hitting Faerydae for 4, Zork for 1, Krusten for 3, Aliana for 4 and Champ for 7.
I need more combat rolls from Krusten, Avan and Mr Fluffles.
Round seven - Faerydae hits for 3 damage, Zork hits the bug bear for 10 damage. Aliana misses her hobgoblin, Albrecht moves back into battle Hitting a bugbear for 6 damage. Avan Hits a hob goblin with the sphere and a arrow killing it. Mr Fluffles attacks a hobgoblin hitting it with all three attacks causing 4 damage. Krusten shoots a hobgoblin in front of her hitting it for 17 damage killing it. Lukas Hits a hobgoblin for 8 damage. Champ bites at a hobgoblin hitting it for 4 damage. The creatures attack back Albrecht is hit by a hobgoblin for 4 damage. Mr Fluffles is hit by a bugbear for 10 damage. Champ is hit by a bugbear for 8 damage. Everyone else is missed.
Round eight - Faerydae misses, Zork misses, Aliana misses, Albrecht misses, Avan misses with his sphere and hits a hobgoblin for 4 damage. Mr Fluffles hits all three attacks for 3 damage. Krusten hits a bugbear that attacked MR. Fluffles killing it. Lukas misses, and Champ misses. They attacks Avan is hit twice for 8 damage, Krusten is hit for 4 damage, Aliana is hit for 4 damage, The rest are missed.
Ok I need more attack rolls for most everyone. IF you plan to do something different let me know.
Round nine - Faerydae Missed, Zork misses, Aliana misses, Albrecht misses, Avan casts cure light wounds for 9, Mr Fluffles hits a hobgoblin for 2 points damage, Krusten hits a bug bear for 22 damage, Lukas misses and Champ misses. Not a good round for the characters the creatures attack, Aliana gets hit for 5 damage, and Avan gets hit for 7 damage no one else was hit .
Round ten - Faerydae misses, Zork hits a hob goblin for 11 damage killing it. Aliana misses, Albrecht hits a hobgoblin for 11 damage killing it, Avan hits a hobgoblin for 8 damage killing it, Mr Fluffles attacks a bugbear for 2 damage, Krusten shoots a bugbear for 4 damage, Lukas hits a hobgoblin for 8 damage killing it, Champ bits a hobgoblin for 6 damage but fails to trip it. The attack back Krusten is hit for 7 damage and Albrecht is hit for 5 damage.
Round eleven - Faerydae misses, Zork misses, Aliana misses, Albrecht hits the hobgoblin champ bit for 7 damage killing it, Avan hits a bug bear for 8 damage, Mr Fluffles hits that bug bear for 2 damage, Krusten shoots the bug bear she shot earlier for 11 more damage, Lukas misses, Champ bits a hobgoblin for 6 damage. They attack back but missed everyone.
Round twelve - Faerydae hits a bug bear for 4 damage, Zork hits a bugbear for 5 damage, Aliana missed, Albrecht hits a bug bear for 4 damage, Avan misses, Mr Fluffles hits the bugbear for 2 damage, Krusten shoots the same bugbear hitting for 19 damage killing the bug bear, Lukas hits a hobgoblin for 4 damage, Champ hits a hobgoblin for 3 damage. They attack back Avan is hit for 8 damage Mr Fluffles is hit for 7 damage.
I will need fresh attack and damage rolls form everyone please.
Round thirteen - Faerydae misses, Zork misses, Aliana bleeding, Albrect misses, Avan withdrawals, Mr. Fluffles hits a bug bear once for 1 damage, Krusten drinks a potion getting 7 healing back, Lukas misses, and Champ hits a hobgoblin for 4 damage but misses on the trip. They attack back Faerydae is hit for 4 damage, Mr Fluffles is hit for 4 damage and Zork is hit for 4 damage.
Round Fourteen - Faerydae misses, Zork misses, Aliana stabilizes at -7, Albrecht misses, Avan casts cure moderate wounds on himself (Need 2d8 roll please), Mr Fluffles is out of battle, Krusten shoots a bug bear hitting for 21 damage, Lukas hits the same bug bear for 7 damage killing it, Champ misses. They attack back Only person who is hit this round is Champ for 5 damage.
Round Fifteen - Faerydae hits a bug bear for 6 damage, Zork misses, Aliana is out, Albrecht hits a hobgoblin for 7 damage. Avan asesses the battle, Krusten shoots a hob goblin hitting it for 14 damage killing it. Lukas misses and Champ misses. They attack back Zork is hit for 3 damage he is only one hit.
Round Sixteen - Avan can see that there are six still entangled, there are six hobgoblins still up and two bug bears still up. Faerydae shoots the bug bear again for 3 damage, Zork misses, Albrecht misses, Krusten hits the bug bear that Faerydae hit for 17 damage killing it. Lukas misses, Champ hits the hobgoblin that Albrecht did last round for 4 damage killing it. They attack back They all miss.
I will need more rolls form everyone. IF you are down stabilization rolls. Plus any other actions you wish to make. Edited: KNtoran on 5th Dec, 2016 - 7:59pm
Round Seventeen, Faerydae gets off her horse and tends to Aliana giving her 4 in healing she is now at -3. Zork takes a healing potion gaining 6 points, Albrecht misses, Avan casts a cure minor wounds on Mr Fluffles he is stabilized but still out, (Avan your CMW is 9 healing to you), Krusten drinks a potion 7 healing, Lukas hits a bugbear with his ray for 7 damage, Champ bites a hobgoblin for 7 damage and trips him. They attacks back. One hits hitting Avan for 7 damage. The rest miss.
Round eighteen - Faerydae misses, Zork Hits a hob goblin for 11 damage killing it, Albrecht misses, Avan hits the bugbear for 7 damage, Krusten takes another potion 6 healing, Lukas hits the bug bear for another 8 damage, Champ sees an opportunity and bites the bug bear for 5 damage killing it. They attack back, they all miss.
Round nineteen - Faerydae hits a hobgoblin for 4 damage, Zork misses, Albrecht hits a hob goblin for 4 damage, Avan misses, Krusten shoots a hobgoblin hitting it for 20 damage killing it,Lukas misses, Champ hits the hobgoblin with Albrecht for 6 damage killing it. They attack back One hobgoblin just barely misses Krusten rolled a 18 but they miss.
Round Twenty Faerydae hits a hobgoblin for 2, Zork hits a hobgoblin for 7 killing it, Albrecht misses, Krusten shoots a hobgoblin for 15 damage killing it. Lukas misses, and Champ misses.
Everyone looks around for another attacker and see that only the six hobgoblins in the entangle are left. The sad part is that you see the vines and roots leaving their legs allowing them to attack. I will need to know who is attacking them if any plus new initiative and combat rolls. The entangle spell ended at the end of round twenty.
The hobgoblins rush in for an attack. Krusten does not wait for them to get close and shoots one causing 7 damage. Zork swings as they get close but misses, Lukas tries his luck but misses also, Meanwhile Faerydae pulls Aliana away from the fight so she can save her. Albrecht and champ still team up but both miss their attack. Champ is able to trip a hobgoblin giving them both a AOO as the hobgoblin tries to get back up. Aliana is still out of combat. Avan and Mr Fluffles are watchign what is happening. The hob goblins attack, Lukas is hit once for 5 damage and Zork is hit for 6 damage.
Next round - Krusten shoots the same hob goblin again killing it. Zork misses again, Lukas hits one for 4 damage, Albrecht and Champ miss wit htheir attack but as the hobgoblin tries to get back up he is tripped again. Another AOO. Faerydae cast cure light on Aliana giving her enough healing to get up. She heads over to where her swords are. She will be able to attack next round. The hobgoblins attack, They missed. Avan still watches.