The remaining undead are soon dispatched and the battle is over. You start to gather the bodies together to burn them as those with just a little bit of oil left adds it to the pile of bodies. A feeble flame is the best you can do but it seems to burn a good half of the bodies. The towns fold tell you there is no more oil left now until a caravan comes through and that could be a few weeks.
Everyone gets 1,300 experience for this little battle except Sky He gets only 400.
People go out to the north, south and west to gather wood to finish burning the bodies of the undead as many do not wish to travel to the east. It takes a lot of the night to gather the needed wood and get it stacked up. Soon afterwards you have a fire going burning the rest of the undead that were stacked upon the pyre. After seeing the fire lit you make your way back to the inn to get some rest. You will notice that that strange creature called sky seems to have disappeared during the fighting.
Out of Character: . Bastion will get one point of strength back per day of rest normal 8 hours of rest.
Everyone gets a good night, morning of sleep as you prepare for the assault on the ruins. The cleric that is with you seems to be doing better and is prepared to help you in defeating the undead and any bandits that may be left. K owing that there is a wizard or sorcerer that is into necromancy she has a resolve to get rid of such a creature that is a stain upon this world.
The towns folk tell you they just want peace and will not take arms against the bandits. The teen boys that have helped you before will accompany you to the ruins but will not go much into them. They will set up on some outer building roofs to cover any retreat or approach you decide upon .
It is just past noon when you leave the village heading g towards the ruins. It will take you a little over a hour to enter the ruins as you are moving slower and more cautiously.
As you enter the ruins I will need spot and listen checks.
As you enter the ruins you hear the wind moaning and groaning as it pushes it way through some of the broken buildings. You can see most of the buildings are missing roofs and parts of walls but in so e of the debris you can see places where someone could hide. Ahead down the wide clear avenue you can see a large building that has a large hole in it's side. Was this caused by a invading force you think to yourselves. Many of the buildings do appear as if they were damaged by weapons of war while others appear damaged by weapons of nature. As you get close to the large building you begin to see that it was a stronghold at one time e of impressive size. It is hexagonal in shape with many of it's upper floors still looking intact. You can see smoke being blown around it from camp fires or chimneys you can not be sure from this distance. You can see the hole is in one side and looks big enough to ride three or four horses through abreast and the hole takes up less than half the walls area. There is a watch tower at each intersection of the walls that rises a good 30 feet above the 20 foot walls. All tracks lead towards this hole with out a single track going or coming from any of the ruins or side streets. Is this because of stuff they may fear or is the city already picked clean of treasure and the wind having erased the older tracks.
How do you wish to proceed. If you get much closer you feel you could be in sight of any scouts or observers on the upper floors or watchtowers.
Rivoril heads closer and closer to the stronghold. He tries to be careful and silent but fails to be very good at it. As he comes to the shadows of the last buildings before the plaza of the stronghold he can see there seems to be no one in the guard towers that he can see. Plus one would think there would be guards stationed at the main hole into the stronghold. He does not see any movement or guards from where he is at.
Sitting there for a while watching the entrance Rivoril will see some movement inside the hole but can not see exactly what it is inside. Avan comes up and assists Rivioril and Rivoril points out the movement. You both will have to get closer to see exactly what is moving but from here you can see it is a large shape. Could be a troll, Orge or something else big.
The teen boys are soon set up in varous postions where they can cover the plaza before the opening and cover your retreat if necessary. Avan and Rivoril still watch the partially hidden figure as it stays withing the shadows just out of sight. Avan does not sense any traps inside the walls or the opening where the ground slopes down into the earth under that large stronghold.