In Character: Faerydae uses the time to comfort the families and children and to teach them about Naralis Analor and how he helped to heal both the children and the heroes that rescued them.
Out of Character: On the side she will try to find out how the farmers did not know about this extensive dungeon and the goblins.
Out of Character I suppose since I claimed it I will pay for it
In Character Arkanoth will ask one of the farmers if there is anyway to find out what magical enchantment is on this armor. He will deduct the pay out of his "Cut" of the gold and silver assuming it is not so pricy (200 gold is the max Arkanoth is willing to pay before he will try to haggle).
Out of Character: Is the greenish hue on ring mail or chain mail? You describe it differently in two posts. Do the other armor, weapons or shields appear to be special in some way? Where will we go to have the items identified? Do we simply asks the farmers or hear to the nearest city? What's the reaction of the farmers about the gold? How many of them will be split up for?
Out of character It was said in the main game topic. And I would like to know what was written in the books, if anything.
In Character: Krusten, out of concern for the children, visits with each family to see how the children are doing and how they intend to spend the gold. She is also interested in anyone else in the area that might be harassing them.
Out of Character: Now that's true. I thought Avan posted it but since he left I will do it. He converted the various coin pieces to gold to make the calculations simpler:
8,000 to farmers (I don't know how many farmers there are who had children that suffered)
120 to the family of Avan and for the burial
The rest of us get 5,600 each.
Based on the actions of some they want to get the gold covered with the farmers first before heading into the city / town to look for a mage. That's where we stand at the moment.
Make sure you update your characters to second level and post your second level character sheets in the character thread. Also make sure to update the info on your character sheet here too. You can wait for all of this if you plan to buy better arms, armor and other items.