Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader - Page 15 of 449

AIVE 16 init 13 attack roll sap 5 sneak 4 - Page 15 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st May, 2010 - 12:00am

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11th May, 2010 - 7:52pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader - Page 15

Ryorst snarls and moves to the next orc, enraged.

(Activate Rage for the day.)
STR +4
CON +4
AC -2


1d20+8: 22

1d10+7: 11

Current HP: 8/20

Beast is feeling real good about what he is accomplishing.

ooc: I already rolled. If you guys like roll in advanced we could of gone through round 3 like all at once.

SA: Krusten continues shooting arrows but glances around to make sure no one is trying to ambush her.

Rolls: (I added modifiers)

20: 4, 6, 8, 15
6: 4, 6, 4, 4

ooc: That's cool just saying if we make several rolls then we won't have to like stop and wait each round.
ooc: Its like totally about time we should have been here doing this weeks ago.

Namdar will get the farmer and wife inside and hold off any pursuing orcs, go into the house and barricade the door and continue searching the house and trying to get the kids and family out of it, maybe out the back window with Aive's help, and fighting any orcs inside the house already, etc.

D20: 17, 17, 1, 14
D12: 10, 7, 7, 9
D6: 3, 6, 4, 4
D8: 6, 6, 4, 1

OOC: apparently almost everyone has a bunch of rolls already done up for the next rounds, as they're not posting new rolls?

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Post Date: 12th May, 2010 - 4:52pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader
A Friend

Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

What is Aive doing? I need to know what his action is. Plus Namdar are you going to engage the orc that is headed your way or continue to drag a screaming woman toward her pinned husband?

13th May, 2010 - 3:26am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader Archive Pathfinder / D&D

AIVE's GM-requested turn
Aive will tumble and hide at the side of the window sap in hand ready to attack what ever my peer out.

19 attack roll, 2 normal damage,+ 5 sneak attack damage
15 init
11 attack roll, 5 normal damage,+ 5 if sneak attack

NAMDAR will push the woman firmly back toward the farmer, growling, "Grit your teeth, don't think of the blood, and free your husband, woman - I can't do this on my own!" Namdar turns to face and attack the pursuing orc if possible.

D20: 14, 4 (unadjusted)
D8: 6, 5 (unadjusted)

Has everyone else rolled already? They're not posting more specific actions or rolls.

Post Date: 14th May, 2010 - 2:33am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader
A Friend

Page 15 Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

For the next round I need fresh rolls from Krusten, Aive, and Namdar. I will post the next round as soon as I get these. IF any special actions are taken advise me of them.

15th May, 2010 - 2:47am / Post ID: #

Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons


Rolls: d20: 5,9,15,22
d6: 6,4,6,7
I added in bonuses

* Krusten intends to fire arrows until they're all dead *


ooc: I just remembered my last roll was a 1. I will post a few more rolls here in case my cleave worked and was my last roll.

Oliron will let go of his weapon for the natural 1 roll, then use his short sword.

- with mods. -

To hit: 10, 13, 20, 6

Damage: 4, 6, 4, 5


Aive not expecting the arrows to come so close steps even further to the side out of sight now, then silently tumbles to the other side of the window rolling below the frame as too not be seen, once on the other side he will again press himself against the house and ready his weapon again.

If he is right at the window I get an attack of opportunity for him using a ranged weapon next to me, And either way as I'm at the side of the window like stated not in front of it, I should also have decent concealment.


These rolls for Aive are unadjusted, I don't even know what I'm rolling for.
D20: 19, 15, 8, 14
D4: 3, 1, 1, 4
D6: 2, 3, 2, 3

Holy mackerel will you LOOK at Aive's character's skill levels! Awesome!


Namdar will quickly push the hopefully fatally wounded (but possibly not) orc backward into the others, possibly causing confusion and distracting them from their actions, but his main action is to turn and run directly at the orc that came out the door.

Namdar will use his Climb 3, Jump 3, Escape 2 (helps against grapples), Balance 2 and Tumble 2 skills, plus his Intimidate 2, Bluff 2 and Acting 2 to try to momentarily surprise and cow the charging orc by bellowing crazily and charging at an angle at him (so as to not back him into the door and farmer etc) and swinging his sword, then leaping bodily onto him with a scimitar attack and "climbing" roughly up his upper body, hopefully overbalancing him and driving him to the ground, back into the house if possible, where both end up, so the woman can try to get the farmer free.

D20: 11, 5, 16
D8: 4, 6, 7


"Not sure if you needed rolls for Ryorst but if so, there they are:
Ryorst moves to the nearest living Orc and swings mightily at it.
1d20+8: 22
1d10+10: 18"

16th May, 2010 - 10:44am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader


Ryorst's rage ends as he falls unconscious.

New Status
STR: -2
DEX: -2
CON: +0
AC: +0

HP: -3/18

Stabilizing Roll:
1d100: 41


SA: I keep shooting trying to kill as many orcs as possible. If any of them try to turn to come after to me I will summon an animal to help me out.


SA: Beast will continue to fight and my rolls are already there.


Feeling the animal in him he knows then, it is him or them. His discipline mind prevails though, keeping himself in the best defensive positions and striking for the killing blows.


Aive will pop up and hopefully suprise the orc (getting sneak attack bonus), and will attack anything he can in what everway possible.

all rolls unadjusted.

D20, 19, 5, 12, 10

d6 sap damage, 3 5

d6, sneak attack 4 1


(Not sure what to do - his last post was 2 days ago, I'm sure he'll be back but he's the only one who hasn't posted, but I have no idea what he was wanting to do. Being a cleric, he needs to heal the party but I feel like I'd be overstepping the bounds of PL, I don't really feel comfortable doing that. I don't even know what spells he has, his in-post forum profile doesn't list those. I'll let the GM adjudicate whatever he thinks is reasonable to happen for Pundit's turn.)

NAMDAR (0/6 HP - I'm taking liberties with my 'fading to black' scene but you're the GM so of course have the last word)

SA: curse at orc at window inside house, throw scimitar to ground near farmer's wife and tumble into advancing orc outside house as final 'fading out' act

D20: 19, 3 (both unadjusted)

OOC: Namdar has fallen to 0 HP and is "disabled".

Detailed text:

Namdar realizes he needs to do something quickly as he tries to get to his feet, his balance is uncertain and his visual focus is not quite coming together, his wounds more grave than he thought. He lurches for the open doorway, shouting a curse in common at the orc at the window, hoping to distract the creature, but slams shoulder-first into the doorway.

Namdar looks over at the farmer's wife and then back to the orc advancing on him outside the house, then at his own scimitar. He draws a deep painful breath and growls, "Woman, gods be with you, use this to the last!" and lobs his scimitar onto the ground near the woman. He turns back to the advancing orc, uses the wall to push off and launches himself into a tumbling dive at the warrior, hoping to at least down him to give the woman a chance to get in the house or attack the warrior or something, as Al Sattar's half-orc head swims in a sea of stars and his vision goes dark.

Reconcile Edited: JPatt on 16th May, 2010 - 10:45am

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19th May, 2010 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Leader - Page 15


rolls: d20: 11,16,11,20
d8: 2,2,2,4

Modifier applied.

Rolls - 20 - 8, 11, 8, 4
8 - 8, 8, 5, 5

Sa - Keep attacking the orcs


Oliron continues to hack away. Hoping he doesn't get brought down by an orc attack.

- with mods. -

5d20: 6, 18, 15, 15, 16

5d6: 6, 6, 6, 4, 4


Stabilize roll: 1d100: 3


SA: Shooting arrows like crazy.

Rolls: d20+1: 15, 18, 5, 11
d6+1: 2, 7 , 5, 2


SA: Beast continues to find any orcs near to him and slashes.

Modified rolls:

d20: 10, 11, 25, 25

d10: 6, 15, 13, 9

ooc: Last two rolls are totally cool!

As the orc falls Beast shouts angry orcish cursings. He is hoping that the remaining orcs become scared enough to start fighting terribly or even run.


Aive will step back infront of the window but out of weapon reach and ready his sling then let let a bullet fly through the window,

17 attack roll

4 damage

If its running around the house I will hide at the corner and get set and ready for when it comes around,

16 attack roll
6 damage with sap


Do I need to roll something?

21st May, 2010 - 12:00am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Leader D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 15


16 init
13 attack roll
sap 5
sneak 4

anychance I could release a bag of caltrops on the corner before he got there? (if so, I presume that's what Aive wants to do - JPatt)


SA: Keep shooting!


Namdar makes unconscious, bleeding noises on the ground.

OOC: People are posting and discussing Krusten's bonuses but not making rolls - do you need rolls, GM, or actions, by who?

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader


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