Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader - Page 16 of 449

It will cost 1,000 pg to get the sword IDed. - Page 16 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 30th May, 2010 - 6:34pm

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Post Date: 21st May, 2010 - 1:17am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader - Page 16

I got what I need I will post the results of this round in the game thread. I will need to know the parties next actions.

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22nd May, 2010 - 2:33am / Post ID: #

Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons


Oliron sees the last orc fall, then yells in triumph. He moves over to his fallen friends quickly, trying to stabilize them and administer healing.

- with mods. -
5d20 (heal): 11, 5, 14, 11, 5


IC: Anyway I guess now we tend our wounded, while everyone else is doing that Aive will find the children and bring them to their parents, giving the lady a blanket to cover herself with and then will untie the farmer.

He will then go around to all the corpses and drag them into a pile at the side of the house away from the family's vision, slitting the throats of any that aren't excessively dead he will begin removing weapons, armour, jewelry (general looting) and pile it into a second pile

26 for search
17 sleight of hand
(sorry but while everyone else is busy if he finds something small and shiny, it's to pocket it unseen)


OOC: I will leave it up to GM next time about my pluses.

SA: Krusten will continue looking around for any stray orcs. When it appears to be safe she will go down to the farm to look around for evidence of everything that happened. She will also search the bodies. She will take back her arrows.

Krusten has a sense of accomplishment as she looks to retake her arrows.


SA: Beast starts hacking heads off and putting them in a pile. Plus he'll check bodies for any usable stuff.


Ryorst groans, but remains unconscious.

(All stats return to normal. No more bonuses or penalties.)


(no post but I'm hoping he will be healing people, being the cleric - what rolls are needed, so I can provide those and we can get this other started, if you want to do that?)



23rd May, 2010 - 5:57pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Namdar - OOC: someone needs to post for me and for PL, I'm going to a "function" for the coming day/night, and don't know if I'm healed or anything anyway, but I'll get back into the game and PL as soon as I get back. Good job everyone! I'd give advice but I'm unconscious and that wouldn't be kosher.

Aive - Aive after moving the farmer quickly looks upon the mother and children, he stares, deeply lost in thought, finally he will go over and try consol the family with diplomacy as he leads them inside.

After a short time inside he comes out and tells the party
"We stay here tonight, look after the family, when the children are asleep we give the farmer a proper burial and let the widow say goodbye, In the morning we help them pack and carry as much stuff as they wish to take and escort them to town with us where we will sell all this stuff and help them set up a knew life"
He then goes inside and starts to prep a meal for all.

ooc: whats the age of the children and charisma of widow?

Oliron - "We can probably load some of this onto my cart. Otherwise Krusten's and Namdar's horse can carry some as well."
Oliron continues to try and heal his fallen comrades. Using his limited lack of healing skills to bring them back from the brink.
- with mods. -
5d20(heal): 11, 7, 5, 21, 18

Beast - Chopping off heads of orcs.

Pundit - Sa: While everyone is searching I will look around to see which direction they came from. I will also try to tend to anyone left from the farm.

Krusten / Ryorst / Un Gu - standing by as of right now.

26th May, 2010 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

Page 16 Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

Aive gives the money he took off the orcs to the farmer's family.

The party will make a gurney for Ryorst if he needs it to be carried the next day or two for the trip back to town, and will camp and stay at the farmer family's property (with their permission), and will leave for town in the morning, with Namdar taking the first watch, just in case, and if nothing happens in between, will travel both days with no intended other actions in between besides maybe re-memorizing spells for the spellcasters.

28th May, 2010 - 4:52am / Post ID: #

Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

OOC: Just wanted to note that the players/characters are still updating their characters, "leveling up", buying equipment and all that, new players joining, etc. I'll either be using the scale mail and sword donated to the party pool for a new character or selling it, depending on which is a better idea for the situation, for helping out a new character, etc.

Once this is done, Namdar will still want to see what the situation is with orcs and the local town and status in general, what opportunities there are in general, etc.

Post Date: 28th May, 2010 - 9:41pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader

Make sure you add in the gold you got for the heads of the orcs. Plus make sure those in the party level up. Only those who are new do not level up. smile.gif

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30th May, 2010 - 9:04am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Leader - Page 16

Krusten also wants to get her sword ID'd and/or check on how much that will cost, and see how much it can be sold for, etc.

"Also I don't know if KNtoran will see so I will post here as well. Oliron spent 5 gp on spreading rumors that the Duke's advisor is corrupt. Basically giving coins to bards and bums, telling them the gist of the story. I also gave 100gp to the church of Pelor and 100gp to my mother. I purchased a messenger to tell my mother the gold is waiting for her at the bank and another messenger to the Duke to inform him of his advisors corruption. Maybe JPatt, you could post this as well in the party leader thread so he is sure to see it, please? "

Post Date: 30th May, 2010 - 6:34pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Leader D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 16

It will cost 1,000 pg to get the sword IDed.

I take it Oliron is trying to sow dissent among the Dukes vassals. smile.gif I have noted the money spent and the messenger will deliver the notes.

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader


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