1) Namdar would like to talk to the council to see if the orc head bounties are still in effect, and get any new info on orc activity, as well as any other opportunities, whether from the council, other caravans or towns needing guards, etc. Or whatever other obvious options present themselves.
2) Has anything strange happened in or near town while we've been gone, info from either council and/or the seedier parts of town and general socializing
Past that, the party is about ready to head out - once we find out what options are available.
I'll also sell the flail and scale mail donated to the party pool for 67% of book cost.
Namdar is going to go find out when the caravan leaves (and what the caravan IS, who is it, how important it is, how much it pays, etc) and sign us up and then rest up so we can leave, and I suggest everyone else also finishes up anything and rest a bit and then we'll be on our way. My hope is it is evening and we can have a rest for the night and the caravan leaves tomorrow and get a clean start etc.
The following have posted caravan sign-up actions in the Party thread:
Beast (I presume)
Pundit (I presume)
I can state with certainty about the first four, they posted signing up actions.
The last two have not specifically posted that but have been indicating in their last few posts that they were simply waiting for the rest of the party and the game to be updated - if you require them to actually post individually, you might specifically note that, but the others definitely posted that they signed up.
Krusten has left the game.
If this is all good, we'll have dinner and talk and rest for the night and head to the caravan in the morning and begin our jobs then.
Edited: JPatt on 9th Jun, 2010 - 6:23am
The party accompanies the caravan, with Ryorst up front on the lead wagon, the others without horses alternating between walking beside the train and occasionally riding to rest, most keeping an eye out, though some taking the time to entertain everyone instead, to keep spirits high. Namdar alternates his location to different sides, front and back of the caravan every hour or so, keeping an eye on the different sides.
Rolls (not modified)
D20: 6, 5
D12: 8, 11
Namdar asks the caravan master and asks if he has anyone that could help repair the wagon, as he doesn't want to busy the party with this while they're supposed to be guarding the train.
"Be wary," he calls to everyone, and rides up to the farmer and his broken wagon to find out what is wrong and how they can help, keeping an eye out for deceit on the part of the farmer, and for any ambush nearby. If nothing seems out of place, he, and if there are any wagon train volunteers, will help fix the wagon, while the rest of the party stays on guard against attack.
3 Listen, 3 Search, 4 Spot
2 Bluff, 3 Diplomacy, 3 Disguise, 3 Gather Info, 2 Intimidate, 2 Perform: Act, 2 Sense Motive
*Trapfinding, *Evasion
3 Jump, 2 Tumble
Rolls (unadjusted):
D12: 8, 12
D20: 16, 9
-- Also --
Namdar = front, riding point ahead of wagon
Ryorst = front, riding on lead wagon
Ashar = with mount, moving from wagon to wagon, middle if location required
Vilikin = middle, walking (and sometimes riding on wagon?)
Oliron = middle, on horse
Beast = rear, with carriage
Pundit = rear, on horse