Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader - Page 19 of 449

You do not have to pay for the room and meals - Page 19 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 3rd Jul, 2010 - 9:33pm

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19th Jun, 2010 - 1:05am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader - Page 19

1. Ryorst, having been wounded, flies into a rage and begins attacking orcs wildly.

OOC: STR+4, CON+4, -2AC

HP 27/33
AC 14

STR: 24
CON: 20
+2 will saves

Attack rolls: (For 4 rounds)
(+7 STR +2 BAB +1 Bard -1 Buckler)
4d20+8: 26, 17, 25, 22

Damage rolls: (For 4 rounds)
(+10 STR +1 Bard)
4d12+11: 20, 17, 14, 21

Rage Remaining after 4 rounds:
4 rounds.

OOC2: I think that's 4 rounds and 4 dead orcs. Who wants to mess with the Barbarian? Assuming I hit (I only miss on rolls of 1 through 6) I kill an orc, I think.

2. Pundit continues to fight knowing that the orcs will not simply run away.

rolls: I think I put enough already for a round two.

3. Beast curses that he missed them but that only makes him act more like a mad man as he continues to swing.

ooc: I put enough rolls already to continue the next combat round.

sa: Attack!

4. Ashar grunts as the orc's blade slashes through his studded leather on his thigh. As blood pours down his leg he returns the swing feeling the confidence from his song waver in his heart. Gritting his teeth he swings again, hoping to return the blow.

[Attack roll = 21 (20 + 1 threat not confirmed with a 2); Damage = 9 (8+1)]

4 more rounds of bardic music

5. Oliron steps into the fray near Pundit and attacks, trying to flank if he can.

- with mods. + bard song -
2d20: 18, natural 1 = 3
Cleave d20: 4
3d10: 12, 9, 7

6. Namdar continues his charge through the ranks.

Scimitar attack D20: 17, 7 (+ = 20, 10)
Scimitar damage D6: 2, 4 (? what do I add to get total damage?)

7. Vilkin continues to "flail away", pardon the pun.

Flail attack D20: 18, 10 (+ = 20, 12)
flail attack D8: 1, 4 (?)

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Post Date: 20th Jun, 2010 - 9:51pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader
A Friend

Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

Oliron I noticed had a natural 1 d 20 roll He needs to roll a d20 again to see if he maintains his grip on his weapon or drops it.

23rd Jun, 2010 - 2:57am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader Archive Pathfinder / D&D

1. Ryorst continues his mad assault, ignoring his wounds. Rolls given in previous turn.

2. Beast - SA: keeps fighting. I already put rolls enough.

3. Ashar will charge after the next orc he can reach (if there are any nearby).
[Attack roll = 6]
OOC: Ashar's hit points amended to 2/7.

4. Pundit - SA: Keep fighting as usual.
rolls: GM should have 4 more to use from what I already gave.

5. Oliron continues to fight the orcs, taking cover behind some of the wagon if he can.
OOC: HP is at 13 right now. I can take a few more hits I think but I may need some healing.
- with mods. + bard song -
D20 attack rolls: 5, 8, 12, 17, 17, 18, 16, 7
D10 damage rolls: 9, 13, 14, 14, 14, 8, 11, 14

6. Namdar will continue trying to run interference to make sure no orcs get to the wagons, and take his opportunities when he can.
Scimitar Attack D20: 12 (+bonus = 15)
Scimitar Damage D6: 5 (?)

7. Vilikin will keep an eye out to help anyone who is severely wounded and make his way to them, but will otherwise defend himself and the wagons.
Cleric 1, AC 14, HP 3/8, MAB+SB: +1 (+1 again for Bard song) = +2
Scale mail +4, small steel shield +1, flail D8

Flail Attack D20: 18, 13 (+bonus = 20, 15)
Flail Damage D8: 7, 8 (?)


1. How many orcs remaining? I don't think we were told how many there were attacking us.

2. Is anyone on the coaches going to fire bows or crossbows or anything at the orcs trying to get through us to kill them?

3. GM, do you want to get posts for and resolve 3-4 rounds in one shot, assuming nobody dies or is on the brink, during that going on? People are mostly posting multiple turns, it would be fine with me too, and if anything needed to be changed, it would have to be after each "flurry" unless you stopped it because someone was in need of CON rolls, got knocked out etc.?

Reconcile Edited: JPatt on 23rd Jun, 2010 - 3:20am

25th Jun, 2010 - 11:20pm / Post ID: #

Page 19 Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

1. Beast 0 dmg (no idea how many HP, can't find recent HP post anywhere)

"Come back and take your beating, cowards!" bellows Beast, loosing arrows at the departing orcs, as Ashar tries to head off his ill-advised action. Namdar cringes and exhales in a "Well, they're either going to come back and kill us or they're not" way, while looking for his waterskin, before muttering, "Beast, if they're in bow range of you, you're in bow range of their archers..."

2. Namdar 4/10

"Drivers, it seems to be safe for now, and if you have any refreshing drink or ability to tend wounds, it would be greatly appreciated!" Namdar calls to the men hiding underneath the wagons.

SA1: call drivers out to safety and to help tend wounds and ready wagons

I do know we need to collect the heads and any useful items and money off these bodies, and we need to figure out as best we can where we are and make a map and notes of what happened, where it happened, and where they went, which could provide useful information for other authorities, perhaps even lead to the location of a stronghold or base camp."

SA2: party pools skills to make map of area and description of orcs and estimate location and directions to be able to turn over info to authorities about orcs

3. Vilikin 3/8

Vilikin should heal (in order):

1. Ashar
2. Maybe Vilikin? (he's an NPC that will soon be leaving but he does have spells and killed an orc)
3. Maybe Pundit? (don't know his relative damage %)
4. Namdar
5. Ryorst
6. Oliron

4. Pundit 7 dmg (no idea how many HP, can't find recent HP post anywhere)

sa: Pundit uses his magic wand to cure the wounds of those that need it. He also attends to the farmer that was shivering.

"Come and be healed for free."

5. Ryorst 14/29

SA: Ryorst grunts in pain and waits for the others to be ready to move on. He continues to keep an eye on the edges of the path.

6. Oliron 13/19 - general recovery of energy, items, health, water, items

7. Ashar 2/7 - general recovery of energy, items, health, water, items

X. Party

11 orcs killed before the remainder flee with the mounted and archer orcs.

SA1: Party loots orc bodies quickly, taking items and putting them on horses or wagons if allowed, and coins/pounches, splitting loot evenly, even with Vilikin, as he did his share, even though he is an NPC.

SA2: Party collects orc heads and puts them in bag which Namdar ties along with his saddlebags on his horse Grue.

SA3: Party makes sure horses and people are watered and refreshed then continue caravan unless everyone needs to rest for the night.

28th Jun, 2010 - 2:51am / Post ID: #

Leader Party Post Play Dragons and Dungeons

* Pundit's wand used 5.5 charges, 1 charge per 8 pts of healing on party.

* Party collects 11 orc heads and loots bodies for (split among party as noted):

33 GP (5GP x6 + 3GP for Vilikin)
110 SP (16SP x 6 + 14SP for Vilikin)
154 CP (20CP x 6 + 34CP for Vilikin)
11 falchions
11 hide armors

* The party continues on with the wagons, now more ready and watchful for danger, after making sure the animals are calmed, fed and watered and ready.

1st Jul, 2010 - 6:53am / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader

1. Oliron
Oliron surveys the area with Beast. He thinks himself glad to have the strong fighter as an ally. Help these people in the next attack if within the next few days. Once the orcs realize that the town has supplies for the on coming months they will be forced to attack. Their siege isn't going to work anymore. Oliron thinking in military terms wonders if he may be right.

Beast and Oliron survey the area and see how we can better prepare for the inevitable.

2. Ryorst
I suggest we take the time to check the shops, see if the orc head bounty applies here, sell what armor and falchions we don't intend to use, and look for short side quests we can complete, like killing rats in the cellar of the inn or something.

3. Beast
Beast looks at the fortifications while sniffing the air for the scent of deer in the area.

4. Ashar
Ashar sees this as an opportunity to both raise the morale of the town, as well as to make a few coins from a town that has had nowhere to spend them for a while - what with there being no supplies and so forth. He sets himself up in the tavern, orders a jug of wine and begins to play his pipe.

[perform roll = 26 (19+7)]

5. Pundit
Seeing an opportunity for Heironeous to be known in this place Pundit gets on top of Beast's carriage about Heironeous and his ood deeds in helping the people reach safe. Pundit will then ask for the most sick to come forward and he will heal them while he gets the farmer who he helped earlier to tell about how Heironeous helped him. Pundit hopes that Heironeous takes notice and blesses him with good fortune.

SA: As above. If there are a lot of people listening perhaps we can get the town to favor us as heroes and listen to our instructions.

6. Vilkin
Vilikin will rededicate himself to his prayers and such, possibly help heal anyone in the town and provide spiritual aid, and I presume we may be leaving him here when we leave?

7. Namdar

SA: I will tell the council of our travels and what we've discovered so far about the orcs and the other towns and with some editing, the Duke and his advisor, so they can be prepared for that eventuality.

SA: regarb and drift around different parts of town, gathering Info to get an idea of the general feeling of the town about the orcs and the town's safety, any unrest, any feelings of corruption, people not being trusted, etc., ie, if there seems to be any possibility of spies within Nevestral that might help the orcs or cause problems on the next orc attack.

X. Party
I. It seems that overall the idea is to see what aid the party can render to the town in repairing, setting up defenses, possibly helping train citizenry, etc. Working out plans and tactics to surprise more orc attacks, etc.

II. Check if orc head bounty exists here, and how much we can sell falchions and hide armor for.

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3rd Jul, 2010 - 1:07pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Leader - Page 19

1. The half-orc turns in the weapons and armor for a little profit (11 falchions 75gp ea + 11 hide armors 7.5 gp each = 907 gp?!) as Pundit piously tithes his donated coins back to the poor and needy as a true faithful servant and religious adherent does.

2. Namdar purchases loyal and simple Beast a few pounds of fresh deer meat as well as some jerked and preserved for the trail, paying premium money for it, as well as purchasing everyone a few days worth of relatively fresh food, plus some extra trail rations.

22gp for 3 days fresh food for entire party (average, including deer meat)
12gp for 3 days trail rations for entire party
16gp for resupplying, minor repairs for entire party (bowstring, arrows, oil, etc)
21gp for 1 night Good inn + premiums (meals, wine etc) for entire party
4gp tip at inn and spending around town for info and misc. Necessities

Rather off topic, but...
75gp total expenses/loadout for party for 3 days in Nevestral

rations = 5 oz per meal + water, wine or ale in wineskin flask or travel tankard
Rations, Fresh, 1 day, 1 lb = 1gp(+1sp)
Rations, Trail, 1 day, 1 lb = 6sp

3. Al Sattar checks the bag of orc heads in or has them stored somewhere, with deodorizing and cleaning, as the party is about to head out - to check out the giants!

4. He wanders town and talks to the council, and especially any hunters and travelers and experienced traders and people who have encountered the brutes, trying to learn what he can about the giants, their relative intelligence, attitudes, likelihood of being amiable or friendly, of being able to work out some sort of trade or deal with them.

5. The party will stay the night at the best inn, with premium services, to get well rested, resupplied, gear and armor repaired as well as possible, etc. And set out after getting as much information as possible, to investigate the giants, possibly to talk to or make a deal with them if intelligent and they seem reasonable, or to combat them if necessary.

Post Date: 3rd Jul, 2010 - 9:33pm / Post ID: #

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader
A Friend

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play Post Party Leader D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 19

You do not have to pay for the room and meals that is on the town. Put that money back into the group pool or spread it out.

> TOPIC: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Play By Post Party Leader


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