Ryorst switches his small great axe for his regular one, and swings again.
1d20: 16+6 = 22
1d12: 11+7 = 18
Eth is remaining hidden.
Namdar is out of the combat from wounds? Otherwise he is going to continue attacking the hill giant.
Oliron continues his attack:
d20: 27
d10: 7
If the giant dies he makes his way towards the rock pile on horseback. Maybe after the soldiers ambush he will be in a better position to help them them.
The two new members are heading north to team up with us fighting the hill giant.
Ryorst heads up the path with Oliron to wait for the next giant out of view of the first one's body.
Rolls: (unmodified) crossbow
d20: 16
d10: 9
Oliron: "I don't think we should just ride up. The hired swords and dogs are in position for an ambush. If we ride up now we might blow their cover. Let's hang back a little and ride in once the battle starts."
Ryorst and I are waiting for the ambush then riding into battle.
Once the giant is in melee Eth will start attacking again keeping 100ft distance and occasionally dropping into hiding,
attack rolls for rest of battle
17, 5, 9, 13, 5, 8, 6, 18, 16, 12
Eth is remaining in hiding near the soldiers, she will move into action once the battle starts.
Namdar is hurt to badly to fight or recovering.
Beast tells Rei to hop up on his carriage as they make their way to the bar and then to the place of the hill giants.
Ryorst (not mounted) loads and fires his crossbow once more, and retreats.
1d20: 17+4=21, 2+4=6, 15+4=19
1d10: 8, 8, 4
Oliron: Call for a retreat to the soldiers and ride to Namdar's body.
Eth follows in hiding in general retreat with the party.
Eth continues to retreat with Oliron. They head back to Namdar's body. Oliron, once there, places Namdar on Namdar's horse and ties a rope to Namdar's horse's reigns, then continues the retreat. Hopefully Eth can help Oliron with getting this all together. If they are a target of the hill giants attack Eth will remain hidden.
Ryorst takes another shot at the remaining hill giant (he has a few rolls left) while continuing his retreat. He is making his way back with Oliron and Eth while continuing to take shots at the hill giant.
Beast and Gra continue north to meet up with the rest of the party, in Beast's carriage.
I am wanting to call out the remaining soldiers and urge them to continue retreating with us. Edited: Oliron on 10th Aug, 2010 - 7:08am
Ryorst positions himself by Oliron, Eth, and the horses, bracing himself to deflect a rock if it comes their way. ((I'm trying to give you guys partial cover.)) He takes aim and fires his crossbow up at the giant again.
Oliron continues with his retreat.
Oliron is glad to see Beast, he points the other way saying, "Run ! big giant, coming for us."
Oliron grits his teeth as he sees Beast and his companions have no intention of running.
Oliron turns and charges ahead on his horse yelling, "Attack, reinforcements are here!"
-Using old rolls-
Bastard sword two handed style, d20: 24 total
damage d10+4: 12
I suppose the soldiers should attack as well.
Eth uses the same sling tactics and doesn't hit till the third round with a nat 20 and dose 12 damage then misses for the rest of the battle.
Beast when close enough will stop the carriage take the war horse off the carriage quickly and then charge the giant..
rolls: d20: 26,18,26,19,16,15 (I swear thats what I got on the dice!)
d12: 5,11,14,12,15,10
Beast shouts to the others to show what they're made of as he mounts his horse and gets ready to dance with the giant.
Gra looks for partial concealment/cover at about medium short bow range and then starts shooting arrows at the last hill giant. If no cover, at least try to get to a flank.
rolls: d20: 14,16,8,12,7,10
d6: 1,3,2,2,5,1
ooc: Those rolls were not made with any modifiers at all.
Rei jumps from the carriage in a sudden explosive movement and runs to the side of Beast, attempting to flank the Giant, and with a battle cry, she attack using her bare fists in a series of blows, ending her attack in a concentrated punch at a vital spot as an effort to try and stun the giant so the others can find easier to hit him.
Rolls: (Using that dice roller, but I do not apply modifiers because I am not sure yet, I apologize for the trouble causing)
9, 11, 2, 9, 13, 18
Ryorst runs back to the party and regroups with them and the soldiers. He then turn back with the group attacking. (I am guessing he is using his crossbow but I have no rolls for him.) I will leave it up to you GM to decide his ultimate action but the basic format is him retreating and forming back up with the group, then attacking again with us.