The party is taking the road to the Earl's, with the following setup.
Ryost(F) ______
_______ Uthet(H)
Jonas(F) OtherDonkey(F)
Viv{R) Nei{R)
Sethro{R) Thorn{R)
Eth(W) ________
______ Oliron(H)
F - On Foot
H - On Horseback
R - In the Wagon
W - Riding the Wolf
Edited: Rentok on 23rd Nov, 2010 - 12:41am
The party makes camp towards dusk. As they gather around the campfire, Ryorst slips off to the west, looking for Orcs to lure back to the camp. The others sit around telling stories, only Oliron knowing what Ryorst is doing.
Ryorst needs to send me some rolls for what he is doing during the night. You need to roll for move silently if that is what your trying to do and spot checks. This will determine if you see the orcs pacing you or not. Or maybe there are no orcs at all.