Now that Faerydae is back with the party she says, "Is anyone in need of bandaging? I can give healing tomorrow." She offers herself as the first watch after doing her own search of the cave for anything that may have been overlooked.
Assuming he can't find enough suitable material near the cave hideout, Bastion will set out to the barricade mentioned by the others to raid it, along with any others willing to assist. He'll take along one of the mounts that are free. (Probably Lukas' mule)
Out of Character: already rolled for the craft check once he has the stuff.
Avan assists in any way he can, providing silk rope and thieves' tools if they are useful. He still wants to take last watch, because he prays to the forest spirits of the night while it's still dark.
Out of Character: In the morning, he swaps Shillelagh for Speak with Animals, and Chill Metal for Wood Shape. Spot/Listen already rolled 2 pages ago.
Krusten settles for the night and takes whatever watch period she is given. She tries to interrogate anyone new in her usual way. She brings up some valid questions to the party about their intentions for the next day. After hearing about the plan of Bastion with the wagon Krusten tells him about what was available on the main road. In the morning she will watch the wider entrance taking a good look at the terrain trying to spot anything that might be worth investigating.
Bastion gathers what he needs and returns to the cave. With the help of others, each horse soon bears a pair of poles attached to the side of their saddle such that the other end drags well behind them.
Large items such as wardrobes are simply strapped on. Smaller things are suspended in nets or sacks tied in between.
If there is still not enough space for the items considered too valuable to risk losing, he'll set up a smaller one for himself to pull along.
Soon enough, the group should be ready to head out.
Out of Character: For anyone wondering how this helps, the shallow angle places most of the weight on the ground, and the tips of the poles produce little friction. A horse can pull several hundred pounds with little effort this way.
I know the concept you are using as it was used a lot by the native americans in the past and it a good way of transport. You will have to use the tarps that are in the main cargo part of the cave for the fabric instead of nets.