Yes, Avan is still heading up, and once he's regrouped he will drink a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, and feed the black potion of healing (2d4+2) to Fluffles.
Out of Character: I do not accept ones so change the first d4 roll to a 3. I am trying for the life of me wondering how you rolled a 0 on a d8. That is the only thing that explains the 3 as 0 +3 is 3. Change that to a 5 so 6 and 5 for the d8 and 3 and 4 for the d4 rolls.
"Someone get to Deanna before it is too late for her."
Bastion swings again, trying to trigger another vitae surge. He can see the other fighter coming, and is prepared to strike at him too.
Out of Character: keeping round 15 action. In the event the new fighter comes in range, changing round 16 action to a steely wind, attacking both targets, keeping previously rolled attack for the guy in front of him.
Out of Character: Sorry, that +3 was part of the description, and I didn't add a bonus (So +0). I wrote it separate because I don't think you can add 1.5 to each roll. I should've written (2d8+3) but ran out of room.
So Avan heals 6+3+3 = 12 and Fluffles 7.
In Character: As the fighter emerges, Avan drops his bow too and switches to his magic quarterstaff. He and Fluffles beat down on this target.
Out of Character: If possible, they will try to flank the target. I didn't add a +2 in case they can't.
Edited: iCon on 14th May, 2017 - 9:30am
Albrecht hears Bastion and tries to disengage from the fighter in front of him to reach Deanna. He will use one charge from his belt to heal and stabilize her, then continue fighting the fighters. If she is not awake, he will come back to help finish healing her.