Group Watching Spot Check Listen Check Staying Awake Check
Daine & Uthet 7/16 15/15 8/12
Aeg & Avan 12/19 16/6 9/13
Oliron & Ahted 5/18 7/15 4/7
After his watch, Avan slips off into the night, in an attempt to secretly scout ahead.
Hide check of 18, move silently of 27. Avan tries to see if he can see him leave with a spot check of 18.
EDIT to above post: That was meant to be ah'ted trying to spot avan, but no worries.
Daine rolled a nat 20 on survival, noticing the tracks of Avan as he went towards the tower. Everyone else is now heading after him, in the usual formation of Oliron/Ah'ted, Aegthius, Leonardo/Draknell, and Daine/Uthet
After some major hesitance, the group decides to head west, in the order that they normally travel. Everyone is on their guard, keeping an eye out for anything that seems out of the ordinary. Leonardo officially travels in the middle along with avan and draknell.
The party looks about the ruins for some entrance to an underground area. Only a couple of the party seem to be aware they are alive.
Oliron looks over the group and sees they have lost their adventuring spirit.
He does want to find some sort of idea what this place is about though and continues to look for some clue of it.
Edited: Oliron on 7th Apr, 2011 - 9:43am
The party splits up and three of them go south further into the city.
Aegisthus spots Oliron moving away from the party. He followed the more experienced adventurer in hopes of finding some action. All the while he remained wary of his surroundings.
Spot check=18
"South it shall be!"says Avan. "Oliron, let's leave the others to rest a while."
Avan looks around as he walks looking for anything that glistens in the light.
Spot check: 14 + 1 = 15
Oliron heads out with the other two grimly surveying the area.
Spot check = 8
Oliron, "Let's split up and search these houses." Oliron looks at the doors from on top his horse. He trots to a door and dismounts, then opens it (by force if needed).
strength check = 11, 9, 18, 15
Avan checks to see if locks can be picked or if there are any locks at all! After testing a door he will pick the lock using his single set of thieves' tools.
open lock roll: 11+4 = 15
And he does so for every door Orilon doesn't try to knock down.Aegisthus too followed Oliron's lead.
Aegisthus too followed Oliron's lead. Lacking any form of skill in lock-picking, he decided to try breaking down the doors. He also looked around for any openings in any homes with doors too strong.
strength check= natural 20. Without strength modifier of +3
spot check= 18+2 =20