Goblins can ride wolves she thinks while stooping to examine the prints. She checks the tracks to see if the wolves might have been carrying any load. She still decides to pursue it a bit before heading back to George's. While doing so she looks up at the trees to see if anything is perched and looks at the bushes for torn clothing.
Feeling like she has gathered all that she could get from this section she returns to the farms to see if there is anyone else she can talk to before heading to George's to meet with the others.
Victor shrugs, expecting nothing more, and heads back into the farmstead. "I think I'm about done here Tom, but are your boys about? I'd like to ask them a couple of questions, see if they maybe saw or heard anything that they don't realise could be useful."
Zork follows the stick imprints towards the west to see what they lead to. If they somehow stop at the woods then he will go further into the woods looking for more clues before returning to the home of George.
At George's she asks those at home if she can have a look around. She casually looks around to see if the people are superstitious or have any deviant beliefs as she waits for the others to come.
The figure turns around, face obscured by his hood, yet he says nothing. The cat hides behind the figure. A bow is slung over his robes and he wears a backpack. The walking stick is a simple tree branch.
Out of Character: I would suggest the character thread for introductions.